Monday, May 23, 2022

Don't you forget it

"I had no idea, just how involved you were with all my friends," Roman sighed. He messed with top of Eddie's hair and kissed him on the forehead. "Hell, they're your friends now."

"You can't be that upset, can you?" Eddie winced back as he went to alter Megan's wedding dress. It needed to be taken in. She was much more petite than expected.

"I just think you..."

"What? I'm not spending enough time on you?" Eddie swelled the frown.

"It's not that," Roman winced. He went back to the dishes. He scrubbed and rinsed until the dishes were stacked nicely in the drainer.  He then mentioned what he'd found in Eddie's desk. "I noticed how well you did on the nursing exam. Why aren't you going to nursing school?"

Of course, Eddie didn't want to talk about that.

"You need to start by the end of summer or they might make you take the test again." Roman knew he wouldn't want to take the test.

"I know." Eddie shrugged as he went on with the needle and thread.

"What are you waiting for?" Roman turned to Eddie who was at the dining table. Roman leaned against the kitchen counter, just watching him. Truly, he did think Eddie was the cutest thing, but he was more than a sweet guy who liked to make clothes in his spare time. "I want you to go back to school."

Eddie winced hard. "What if.. what if I'm not good at.."

"You know, you will be." Roman winced. "You've got skills. Hell, you could probably be a doctor."

Eddie laughed at him.

"Babe, you amaze me all the time." Roman told him. "We need more people like you."


  1. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  2. It's always good to be around people who believe in our potential and support us. I loved the chapter

  3. ¿Uy que hará Roman? te mando un beso.

  4. Olá amiga, Ellie!
    Que belíssima história você escreveu e nos presenteou com sua partilha, amei ler!

    Tenha uma excelente semana.


  5. I liked how you portrayed Roman as a loyal friend with such emotions.

  6. Roman is such a supportive boyfriend. And how sweet of Eddie to work on Megan's wedding dress! These two seem good for each other. :)

  7. Always lovely to read your work. Have a nice day.


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