Tuesday, May 31, 2022

I don't want to be friends with you


Nic rummaged through the applications one more time before making the call to set up appointments for new roommates. Levi just put in his notice. He'd decided to move in with Carly after all.

Nic looked at the time on his old watch. It was almost ten p.m. He drew a breath. Well, he'd wait on this tomorrow. Just then his phone rang and it made him jump. As if he might be asleep. To his surprise, it was Mona.

"Why haven't you called me?" Her question surprised him.

"Was I supposed to?" He shot back as if he couldn't imagine what she would need at this hour. 

"I just.." she started and then fell silent.

"I've been busy," he went on to clarify. "I guess you've had a lot of homework too." Why? He winced, was he doing this to himself. It was best if they kept to themselves. They'd only traveled across the state together. It wasn't like they were married. 

"Look, I have something to ask you."

"And?" He really didn't feel like chatting away the night. Give her five minutes and it would be way after midnight before she'd let him go.

"Would you go to prom with me?"

"Um, no." Best answer he knew. It would be best to not even be friends. After all, she was only a graduating senior.

"Why?" She sounded so bitter. It made his ears burn as he listened.

"Because I..I just can't." Seriously, he didn't have the money for it. And he was out of high school even if he might not look it. "You should go with friends. You know, have a year-end celebration. It'll be fun."

"But..but I don't want that," Mona sounded a little sad. "I want to be with you."

"I have to go." Nic jumped up. "Something might be on fire in the kitchen." Nic hung up on her and winced a face as if he hadn't meant to hurt her feelings. All the while his heart raced as if he'd been the winner of the Kentucky Derby and their was no way to slow it down.


  1. aww... that life...

    Have a great day

  2. Un capítulo emocionante, parece que las cosas se complican. Besos

  3. Hola!! hay, porque dijo que no, seguro su corazón estaba a mil por hora

  4. Replies
    1. A pleasure is to have found you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Thank you so much❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  5. These are good. You've got endless inspiration, I must say.

  6. Oi, amiga!
    Seus post é muito bom, sempre muito interessante.
    Obrigada pela partilha!

    Te desejo um feliz mês de Junho.


    1. Hey, girlfriend!
      Your post is very good, always very interesting.
      Thanks for sharing!

      I wish you a happy June.
      ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you!

  7. ¡Hola, Ellie!
    Decirte que tienes un excelente contenido.
    Te dejo el enlace de mi blog por si te apetece pasarte por él, seguirnos y comentarnos.
    Saludos desde blueshendrix.blogspot.com
    ¡Nos leemos!

  8. Isso do coração disparar depois do "quero estar com você..."
    Hum...Só amigos não, tem algo mais...


  9. Poor Mona. I can see why she'd feel neglected; although it may not be marriage, traveling across the state together, especially because of drama, is an insta-bonder. Yet I can't help but think that Nic feels something for Mona too but is fighting it for some reason: "All the while his heart raced as if he'd been the winner of the Kentucky Derby and there was no way to slow it down." I love the Kentucky Derby comparison; after all, hearts don't race for nothing. :)

    Thanks for including my hearts in the collage. They kind of reinforce the storyline's message that love isn't always in black and white.


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