Thursday, May 23, 2024

All my mornings are Mondays stuck in an endless February

 Rico hadn't been the same since Prom. 

It started out great. Carmen looked amazing and he was thrilled to be with her. It felt like a stepping stone to their future. They might as well have been to their own wedding that night. It was as if they'd glided their way to the best night of their lives. Except, it wasn't quite so perfect.

Carmen said it was best if they broke up.

"But, but we can't." He was puzzled. Rico had it all planned out. They'd move in together, even if it was just a studio. He'd been saving forever for this venture. 

Later, he had said to his dad that he was certain it was her foster mother, Trish's idea. "What did I do that was so wrong?"

Even that night he'd asked her if it was because they hadn't had sex was the reason this was happening.

Carmen gave him an even smile. She promised that she appreciated everything about him, but it was time they found their own goals instead of being each others'. 

He still didn't want to believe her. Naturally, he told all of this to Gabe. But Gabe thought Carmen was right.

"But..but you and Sammie got together?" Rico remembered. Sammie was in a sad way back then. Her parents weren't even taking care of her. His Dad was just there to help if she really needed it. She was all on her own.

"Sammie and Carmen are in different situations. I think Carmen needs this. Being on her own," Gabe told him. 

It left Rico distraught. This couldn't be happening. Losing her this way.

"You'll be OK. You don't have to have someone to be happy," Gabe told him. It felt as if Gabe had ripped a bandaid off and it left him with a bleeding heart.

"You just have to be happy for her."

"I can't." Rico bubbled up with emotion. He couldn't help but cry. Of course, Sammie came with a sandwich when he was at their place. But he couldn't eat.

It wasn't long until Vada arrived. She looked to be in a sad mood too. That's when she told him she'd broken up with Justin. 

"I think he's into drugs," she broke down.

Of course, when she hugged him, Rico wasn't sure who was saving who.


  1. hola
    que mal rollo me dan las drogas

  2. Uy oajal no caiga en las drogas. Te mando un beso.

  3. A very real episode, full of real feelings.

  4. addiction will ruin the life....
    # Have a great day

  5. Isso deixa uma lição de vida: todos temos problemas e o importante é ter com quem contar, desabafar e até dar um belo e aconchegante abraço! E drogas não! Beijos!

    1. This leaves a life lesson: we all have problems and the important thing is to have someone to count on, vent and even give a nice and cozy hug! And not drugs! Kisses!💕🍧💕🍧🌈Although, Vada just might be making up an excuse as to not to be with Justin. But Love Hurts! at any age. Especially, even for guys.


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