Sunday, June 30, 2024

Chains of Love Got a Hold on Me

 It was all so unsettling? Had her parents separated? Liv couldn't talk about it. Not even to Woo.

Of course, work stressed her out too. She felt as if she was left to pick up the pieces to every little thing. She had no idea this was what it was like to work with colleagues. First, it was their snickers. Could she even make coffee? And they would throw her curves in their native tongue as if she would have no idea what they were really talking about. But she knew. She could decipher their complaints.

Everything was in English on the computer and it was on a mundane Monday when she ran across a familiar name. Hart.

She went back to the message, to see what it was about? She couldn't help but to read it twice. He'd been arrested. He'd been in prison from the time he got off the plane in Paris.

Liv needed to figure out what she was supposed to do. But the only person she could think of was Sunny.

"I know I needed to tell you first," she said as soon as she was home alone with Woo. It would be the right thing to do.

"Hart's in jail," she could barely manage to say.

"Hart?" Woo squinted. "How?"

"I don't really know, but..but there was something in the.." Oh, she didn't want him to know. She didn't want him to think she was snooping at work. "It was just..just on the computer." 

Yes, she felt dazed and confused about the matter.

"We..we can't tell Sunny," Woo looked her in the eye and grabbed both shoulders as if he might give her a good shake.

No matter what he said, Liv knew she had to tell Sunny.


  1. Liv will do just fine, she is a strong person and that shows in the hard times!!
    Another text that has meanings.
    Thank you so much Ellie!!

  2. Hope everything goes well after facing one and another, could be hard. Have a lovely weekend.

  3. Mas por que Hart foi preso em Paris?
    Bom domingo! :)

    1. But why was Hart arrested in Paris?
      Happy Sunday! :) πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

      Because he was sent back (deported) to his hometown since he is French.

    2. We only have suspensions of what it might be related to. I don't know if you read the part where he likes guns.

  4. Hart's arrest in Paris is on the top of Liv's worries now. May she find an easy way out!

  5. Creo que lo mejor es contarlo a Sunny. Te mando un beso y genial fragmento.

  6. Ah so we find out what happened with Hart. And oh dear... yeah I think she needs to tell Sunny. Poor Sunny's been agonizing in her own way I think...

  7. ellie!
    Adorei ler aqui e fico
    muito grata por sermos leitoras
    uma do blog da outra.
    Sucesso aqui.
    Bjins de feliz julho
    entre sonhos e delΓ­rios

    1. Ellie!
      I loved reading here and I'm
      so grateful that we're readers of each other's
      Success here.
      Bjins of happy July
      entre sonhos e delusions
      🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Thanks so much for reading and your sweet comment. All the best to your writing! & Creative Adventures!

  8. Very interesting 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  9. hola
    se lo tienen que decir sΓ­ o sΓ­, Sunny tiene que saberlo

  10. Omg! Jail! Very interesting chapter, I really need to know more
    Thanks for sharing
    Have a nice day ♥

  11. Great chapter, thanks for sharing!


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