Saturday, August 17, 2024

Gravity's holdin' me back

 "I think we should think on this for a while."

Sunny remembered Louie saying when she brought up Chewy moving in with them.

"That'll take forever," she knew she was right. Louie was like navigating a turtle. He didn't move very fast wondering where this was all going.

Of course, Liv wanted to know if they'd been intimate (she'd asked Sunny this weeks ago). Leave it to her brother's girlfriend to Americanize everything. All Sunny could do was to remain aloof. She didn't think Liv needed to know. 

Naturally, Liv told her it was OK to sleep with him. "But are you using protection?"

It left Sunny baffled thinking Liv wanted her to sleep in metal armour. Of course, she knew what Liv was talking about, but it was Louie. 

"OK, let's see how it goes tonight," Sunny meant business. It would be like a deal breaker. Besides, Chewy was on the couch.

"Then.then let him sleep on the couch," Louie said he'd be fine there like he might be their Great Dane who could let himself out when need be.

But she marched into his room with her pillow and blanket just to see he didn't even have covers on the lumpy mattress floundering on the floor.

"WHAT!" She snapped. How did she not know what conditions he was living in. No wonder he didn't want her to come to his room. It might as well have been a prison cell.

After all, her bed was big enough for the both of them. Of course, he was Mr. Silent in his protest. 

"I didn't want to move my stuff anyway," she pulled him along to her room. "You might like it."

"I dunno." Louie looked at her as if she knew his secret. It was a life he'd kept since he was a boy. The world hadn't given him much but a vacant space he'd never thought to make his own.

"You know, I care about you," she knew what a caring person he was. "I think we're good for each other." Now she cried. and she made him cry too. 

What would Chewy have thought if he'd found them together in her room? She knew he wouldn't notice. After all, Chewy was still looking through his messages on his phone. He still liked to see what the outside world saw in him. Maybe he'd only stay here a day or two.

Yet, she hoped Louie could change too. Sunny felt it was time to see it through.


  1. I think that all the changes that occur in us are very individual and we have no influence on whether someone will change or not. We only have influence on ourselves. Hugs! Interesting chapter, as always.

  2. Sunny's emotions and Louie's guarded nature make this story so relatable. I hope they both find the courage to open up.

  3. Great to see your lovely text! I love to read it :)

  4. Me gusto Suny. Te mando un beso.

  5. Oh, I feel she is getting to the crux of Louie. I don't know if he can tell her how he grew up. Maybe its the best to go on and make a new life together and not to look back.

  6. Sunny is looking for stability and commitment, while Louie seems to be struggling to open up and change his lifestyle. Will they manage to be together... Thanks Ellie, your stories/episodes are always interesting!


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