Wednesday, August 21, 2024

We share the last line


Justin wasn't sure how they survived the first week with Randy. It was so crazy.

First. he thought they might get ran over just going home from the group home. A car almost hit them. At least he had his driver's license. Justin was doing his best to be in control and then a car came out of nowhere. He swerved just to find a car in the other lane and swerved back in just in the nick of time.

He knew it frightened Carmen, but Randy was elated. Yes, he drummed his finders on the front seat while he was latched in the back. Really, Justin was certain it was a bad omen. And maybe it was. After all, he'd never spent the night with Randy.

Oh, Randy was in a hyper mode. He jumped on his bed like a three year old.

"You can't do that!" Justin went to all the trouble to get him a nice regular-sized bed. He'd spent most of his paycheck on a new bed and bedding. He wanted it to be a clean slate.

Of course, Randy looked at him as if Justin was just kidding.

"No. I mean it." For the first time Justin felt like a dad. "You have to take care of your stuff. This is yours. Treat it nice so it'll last."

Randy nodded, but before he knew it, he was at it again. It was like training a dog. So they went for a walk. Justin kept telling him how he should be. Yet he kept telling him, "We care about you. We love you. We want the best for you."

Justin almost found himself in tears and at least it got better. Maybe Randy was listening. 

Yet, Randy did not like to brush his teeth.

"You want to  have teeth, don't you?" Justin did his best to simplify it. If only that was enough. So he brushed his teeth too. Somehow they managed through the first night and Justin even got Randy up for a morning run. But Randy was still frisky.

By midweek, there was a bad thunderstorm with eighty miles winds. Everyone had to go to the stairwell. He ended up holding Randy. Carmen helped them both as if they were in this together. 

At least, it gave Justin a smile, but he knew he was on his own with Randy.

But he was glad he had Carmen to help Randy find books to read. Maybe Justin couldn't do this all on his own, but at least Randy was finally giving in. He could see he was glad it was the three of them, and for once it felt like a real family. Especially, when Carmen cooked her amazing tacos. Of course, he and Randy were still trying to find a meal they both could make together. Maybe it was pasta, but  Randy was in love with burgers and fries.


  1. Very nice post. Have a nice day 😊

  2. É, pra ter dentes tem que escovar os dentes! Gostei dessa!
    Boas inspirações! Bom restinho de semana!

    1. Yes, to have teeth you have to brush your teeth! I liked this one!
      Good inspirations! Good rest of the week❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thanks so much.

  3. A mi tambien me gustan las papas. Te mando un beso.

  4. Que bueno que todo esté llendo bien. Solo puedo decir una cosa como México no hay nada que no se resuelva comiendo tacos 🌮. Saludos

    1. It's good that everything is going well. I can only say one thing: like Mexico, there is nothing that is not solved by eating tacos 🌮. Best regards❤️❤️❤️😊😊😊😊😊That made me smile. Thank you for your comment!

  5. Lovely ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. Cooking and eating together brings people together


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