Sunday, October 20, 2024

And I'm a goddamn fool, but then again so are you


Cam was at his wits end with Rico. He went on with frying the bacon even if he knew neither he nor Kang needed it, but it was Sunday and it was their grand slam meal of the day that never got made until almost noon. But he hadn't slept since three this morning, worried about Rico.

"Look, you can't shelter the boy all his life," Kang said as he was making coffee. 

Cam didn't want to listen. What would Kang know? He had a son who rarely visited and Bren (Kang's daughter) was always coming with something special for him every week. 

"Well, he needs me," Cam practically shouted at his roommate with a spatula pointing at him.

"Oh, I just bet he does," Kang chuckled. "What are you wanting? Him to live with us all his life?"

"You don't know this Mona like I do," Cam grumbled. "In fact, she used to be pretty tight with Kim's son Trist, you know." He pressed his lips in thought, turning the burner down low so he would keep the bacon crispy. 

"He has to learn the hard way, like all of us," Kang pointed out that luck and timing were everything. 

"If you say so," Cam knew he needed to leave it at that. He just wished Rico would understand he needed to focus on his education and not get tied up with the likes of Mona. After all, she was a drama queen.

"I just think he's following in my footsteps, sometimes," Cam said as he got the eggs going in the skillet.

"Oh, you're still a terrible dancer," Kang shook his head as he went to get the plates. "You know, what we really need is to get ourselves some women."

"You are just setting yourself up for disaster," Cam said when they sat down to eat his masterpiece, even if the waffles were the frozen kind. 

"We could go country and western dancing on Sunday afternoons." It might not be trot music, but it would have to do, or so Kang explained.

Cam shook his head, no to that. But he couldn't stop Kang. It was as if his Fall Fever was in full throttle.


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