Wednesday, March 5, 2025

What you gonna do with your life?


Winter was not over, evidently. Jade was amazed she felt as well as she did because Eric and Derrick were both sick at work. Yes, she saw more unhealthy kids than either of them who worked mostly at the gym. But then she remembered, they both taught ballet so, yeah, she guessed she could see why they were sick.

"I feel like I'm just waiting to catch something," she told Liv over the phone. "How's the weather there?" She asked about Seoul.

"Oh, you know, cold." But of course, Liv was wearing shorts. She often stayed home if she wasn't working at the language school.

"It's been so nice here," Jade mentioned that she and her husband Ari had gone to a new place with Pan and Wade for dinner. "It was a buffet. And it made me so nervous." 

She said, the guys ate so much meat. 

"What did you have?"

"Oh, well, I did have to have the fried chicken," she admitted it was the best and she didn't make it at home. "Then I tried all this seafood. I don't know why I did that." She guessed she accidentally celebrated Fat Tuesday over the weekend. 

"Look, you're fine, you're gonna be fine," Liv said as if she knew Jade needed a pep talk. She asked if Jade had seen anyone lately, like a real friend in person.

"My sister is busy with Jared," she sighed about the situation. Were they more than just friends? Honestly, she didn't feel close to Jewel at all anymore, but she should have expected it. There was a time when she found Jewel so annoying when she was younger, now she missed that about her.

Yes, she knew she was the one restless, not her sister. Her sister knew what she wanted and was rather content, pregnant and spending a great deal of time with Jared.

"You know, I think the best of you, but maybe you should..." Liv started.

"What?" Jade wanted to know what Liv might be asking.

"You should call Dale,"

"Dale?" Jade scowled. Was she serious? Dale was with her brother Tristan. Sure, they worked together for a very short while.

"Oh, you know, catch up with her and Dora," Liv didn't sound like herself. She never spoke of those two. "I know you need friends."

"Well, we did something for Dora, already," Jade remembered. Wasn't that enough?

"That was just a start, you two need to be there for her," Liv was the sound of reason, but Jade wasn't sure she wanted to hear it.

Monday, March 3, 2025

It comes and goes in waves

 "Are you feeling OK?" Carmen wasn't sure what she should ask Sammie, but she was happy to be over with lots of goodies for her. She went a little crazy at Dollar Tree. Carmen knew Sammie wouldn't mind. Truly, it felt like spring even if it was on the chilly side. Carmen was in no hurry to get out of sweaters. She unloaded the soaps and makeup assortments on the kitchen table. There were even new spring dish towels. 

"Oh, tired, but you know, nothing too crazy," Sammie grinned. Carmen hugged her and told her she was so proud of her. "You're gonna be the best mom."

"You'll be just as good, some day," Sammie said, hoping their kids would grow up to be best friends. Of course, Carmen wasn't ready to talk about something like that. She just didn't see her and Justin having a family. After all, they already had Randy. Carmen knew she needed to change the subject so they got settled at the dining table with the three ingredient peanut butter cookies that Carmen had made.

"How's Vada?" Carmen knew she was Sammie's best friend, and perhaps Carmen's worst enemy. After all, Carmen was with Vada's ex.

"Oh, she hasn't said much," she shrugged with an even lip. "I expected as much." Sammie made it sound as if she'd let Vada down.

"Now, don't even worry about her. She's..she's..well, Vada." Carmen nodded while Sammie went to get them juice from the fridge. 

"I hear Jared got on at the Art department," Sammie smiled.

"Really?" It was news to Carmen. She didn't know why Jared was keeping it from them. "I didn't know."

"Oh well, maybe he's just waiting to see how it goes, first." Sammie kept smiling.

"Guess so."

"It was Kevin's decision."

Carmen wondered what that was about. "I didn't think he could stand him." She remembered that Christmas party when Vada came on to Justin's brother Jared. It was totally strange in Carmen's mind.

"Kevin is a sweet guy."

"Maybe even too sweet for Vada," Carmen couldn't help herself. She didn't think she was mean, but she could hardly stand to be around Vada. Even if Sammie kept telling her they were complete opposites, yet they were both Sammie's friends.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Standing in the shadows of love

 It felt like the longest night ever. First there was the pancake supper. Obviously, it was a splendid idea for Daisy who loved pancakes. You would have thought it was a celebration. Chewy was moving in. Oh, the claps, the laughter, the things they would do. Of course, Chewy said a day trip to the amusement park was in order. Even the zoo.

"But first, Daisy girl, you need to learn a thing or two?" Chewy was all smiles as the pancakes and Spam were finishing up. 

Immediately, Daisy gave him a glare. What was he talking about?

"Only good girls can go to places like that," Chewy said with a tilt of the head, which meant he was actually giving her the eye.

She sighed. Then smiled and gave him a nod as if she would be on her best behavior.

Later, after the dishes were done and it was time for bed, after someone was read far too many stories to be tucked in, Chai said, "Why are you putting her through this?"

"She needs it," Chewy said. 

Of course, he was making himself at home in Chai's room. It was a regular size bed. A good fit for him and Daisy, but Chewy was fluffing pillows for the sleep over. It gave Chai a pout. No way could two grown men sleep in a bed that small.

"Maybe, I should sleep on the couch," Chai shrugged.

"No you don't," Chewy snapped. "We need to both be here to keep her from coming in here."

Chai practically rolled his eyes at that. "Look, I've been with her since the beginning. Sometimes, she needs me, OK?" Chai festered a frown. Of course, it might have been the other way around. It was hard to say by now, but she was ..could he say it? He was almost in tears. "You can't just come in here, and take over."

"I'm not trying to take over," Chewy told him, he just wanted to help. "You need me, and you know it."

Chai squinted hard. "I'd rather have my bed. To myself."

"We can do this, you'll see. we'll be fine," he went on to say as if it might be a camping trip of some sort. But Chai didn't see it that way. Of course, he was tired. He just needed some peace, but Chewy just wouldn't shut up. 

Finally, he got in bed and turned away from him, and hoped for the best. 

All Chewy could talk about was how he had to be drunk before he ever had sex. It gave Chai a yawn. He guessed he had nothing to worry about. Before he knew it, he was in the best sleep ever. And it was such a lovely dream in color of fields of flowers.

But when he awoke, Chewy wasn't even there. Chai got up to see what was the matter. There Chewy was on the couch asleep with Daisy sleeping on his chest.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Our Funny Girl

 How could Chewy explain this to Chai? "I'm doing this for you."

"For me?" Chai jumped back when he saw Chewy with his stuff. Chewy was moving in. 

"Yes, you need me to make sure Daisy stays in her room."

OK, possibly it sounded like an order but someone had to do it.  Chai sulked almost in a stomp. 

"Where are you going to sleep?" Chai squinted.

"With you of course," Chewy looked at him as if it was the natural thing to do.


Daisy raced in from her room and pointed to Chewy, "It's Poopie!" She giggled, but ran off before Chewy could reprimand her.

"What have you been doing to her?" Chewy gave Chai the eye that he was a layabout and possibly a potty mouth.

"Nothing," Chai sighed. He went to turn on the kettle as if he didn't have anything else to do. "Why are you doing this?" He asked  him a few minutes later after Chewy went to check on Daisy, making her promise to call him Chewy, but she just laughed and  said, "Phewy!"

"Because I can't sleep, it keeps me up at night wondering what she's doing to you," Chewy hugged himself as if he didn't want Chai to fall back into those bad habits of his with Daisy. Letting her sleep in his bed. "She can't do that when she's sixteen!"

Now Chai was wide awake. No deep sleepy look. "She isn't sleeping with me."

"Well, we worked so hard on that room. And it's hers and that's where she belongs."

Chai shook his head, no. Of course, Chewy went to get Daisy in on this. He brought her to the little kitchen table and put her in her high chair.

"Tell me, Daisy where are you sleeping?"

She giggled and asked for an animal cracker.

"Tell me the truth and then I'll give you an animal cracker."

She pointed to Chai's room.

"OK, sometimes, it's better if I know where she is. Sometimes, she gets up and runs around the place." Chai made it sound scary even if he locked all the locks on the apartment door. 

"Daisy? Why do you get up at night?" Chewy talked to her hugging himself as if he might be some kind of psychologist in investigative mode.

"Cookie," she smiled.

"I'm Cookie," Chai put his hand on his chest.

"Why don't I know that?" Chewy turned to him.

"I don't know, I cook for her. I'm cookie." Chai went to slice mushrooms and small chunks of avocado for her to eat instead of the animal crackers.

"See, she needs to know proper words," Chewy looked at him as if he was a professional.

"Oh, God, what next?" Chai squinted a frown. He went to make them both a pour-over coffee.

"Coffee?" Daisy nodded.

"You're giving her coffee?" Chewy looked at him shocked.

"It's just milk. She calls it her coffee. She's drinking from a cup now." He went to fetch her cup of milk. 

Chewy was certain of it. There was work to be done to make Daisy a good girl. Of course, she would test him every step of the way.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Every second every day I hope you won't change

 Diago felt it was a low blow, about Gabe and Sammie. Sure he was happy for them starting a family, and his family invited them over for dinner. It was like they'd won the lottery in his eyes. He knew that wouldn't be happening for him and Ali.

"And you just realized this?" Gregory shook his head with a smile. "You can always adopt."

It was good to have someone around whose significant other was also trans. They enjoyed going on day trips together to the zoo or even Adventureland.

"Easier said than done," Diago looked at him blankly. "I mean, Gabe's got a good-paying job." Diago felt a little guilty still delivering pizza at Mel's. They were both in the back getting the dough started for the day. Diago knew just as much about Gregory's cookies as he did. They were a good team. 

"Just hold on, there is a lot you love in your life," Gregory told him. "You'll see. You just have to pace yourself. I know you and Ali will make it. You've got the support from parents."

Diago sighed. He didn't want to envy Gabe. 

"It's just, I always felt we would be closer," Diago said. "We're cousins. I never could talk to his brother."


"Oh, it was forbidden after Gabe's dad left with him and they moved to Rapids. It was something my dad thought was best. You know, for his brother." Diago said they never heard from Gabe and his dad, either.

Gregory and Diago worked together to set everything up for prepping the pizza while the dough was rising. At least Diago was almost full-time.

"Crazy, and I thought my family was crazy," Gregory tried to humor him as if this family stuff wasn't strange at all. "Of course, you don't live with Cleo."

"But you two are tight now," Diago reminded him they didn't fuss like they used to.

"Oh, but Cleo loves to fuss."

"And you do too." Diago looked at him.

"Yeah, I've learned I've got to let her win."

Diago was glad he didn't have to worry about that with Ali. Yes, they felt rather settled in a good way. It was just when would they ever be on their own?

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Honeybee, could you imagine where our lives would be?

 "Oh, it's the most wonderful news!" 

Gabe was on the phone with his mother. And to think, he just wanted to text her the news about Sammie. For the life of him, he found it baffling. How could this be?

But he wasn't going to let own he was worried or stressed. Still, he had no words for all his mother's enthusiasm. 

"Did you let your father know?" She asked out of the blue.

"What?" He winced. "Was I supposed, to?"

He put one hand on his forehead. It wasn't like he'd heard from him. His dad left him alone after he moved in with his uncle. He didn't know if his uncle kept in touch with him. He couldn't see it. 

"Well, it would be good for him to know, you know, about you and Sammie," she sounded as if it were the right thing.

Gabe nursed his bottom lip. It wasn't long until after he got off the phone with her that he thought he might just sulk on the couch while Sammie was making dinner.

"What's wrong now?" Asked Sammie

He didn't respond. Gabe kept thinking how was he going to do this, about his dad. Sammie looked down at him from the back of the couch and Gabe almost jumped.

"Oh, God, you are mad at me," she frowned and went back to the stove. Gabe got up and to her.

"It's not that. Really," He put his arm around her.

"I know I should have told you, I tried."

"What? About the baby?" He squinted.

"No, getting off the pill," she sighed. "I was tried of being on it. I just wanted to know what it would be like, not to have to be on it." She said she had headaches sometimes. However, doctors in the past said that had nothing to do with being on the pill. "It was like my body was fighting against it. I dunno. Maybe-"

"No,'s OK."

He hugged her while the mushrooms and onions were sizzling. She made whatever was left over in the fridge with some breakfast sausage. It would be a spaghetti.

"My mom wants me to tell my dad about the baby," Gabe tried to smile, but knew he wasn't ready to talk to him about this.

"What? He doesn't even know your married," Sammie was even lipped. 

"Oh, well..maybe I'm just like him." 

Gabe shrugged and backed away so he go back to the skillet and veg.

"No, you're nothing like him."

"He can know unpredictable," Gabe said. He didn't want to say he was scary, but he remembered how his dad could be with him. They'd have fights. At some point his Dad wanted him to fight him. But he didn't want anyone to know he had a dad like that. Maybe he was a drunk, after all. "I think I'll call my uncle."

He gave her a quick smile. Maybe that would be the best way for his dad to hear the news. At least, he could share the news with his Dad's family.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Turns out I was a vampire myself in the devil town

 Dale felt she was in the middle of a crossfire of some sort at work. It seemed she wasn't using enough feeling while delivering the news on the air. And then to come home and find out from Tristan about Nic getting married was a bit alarming.

"I'm sorry," she started.

"What's there to be sorry about?" He was pacing while waiting for the hot water to boil for the pasta. At least he was making dinner. Although she knew she should avoid pasta, it was bitter cold and she just wanted a warm bowl of it and curl up and sleep. Oh, she just needed sleep.

"Well, you know, didn't..didn't you say we were all going to meet up in Vegas and get hitched," she seemed to remember him saying that on the phone to Nic.

"I was just trying to get him to do it, he drags his feet about a lot of things," Tristan was even lipped then.

"And you don't?" She let slip before she got out of her work clothes and into her slumming pajamas.

Of course, he was like a different person when she got back. Dale didn't want to hear about how she was neglecting the laundry and whatever else needed to be done around here. The house was too much to keep clean. She did try to wash her cup and bowl every morning, but sometimes she forgot.

She sat down at the kitchen table and wept.

"You haven't even gone to see Holden and Dora's new baby!" She snapped.

"Well, I've been sick," he was in a huff as he stomped around to get supper on the table. "And I work at a zoo...and..and.."

"You just don't want to see what's become of Dora!" She swelled a frown. "She unrecognizable you know..and ..and you're afraid it'll happen to me too!" She sighed. "That is if..if we ever do have  kids."

"You're the one who's afraid of having kids! Not me." His eyes bulged as if this was all her fault. This was why he was not happy.

"Oh, you're just as much afraid of being a dad," she pouted giving him an unforgiving look.

It was quiet then. He put the salad and food out. They ate in bitter silence. Although, by the end, they made up ravisiously in the kitchen leaving the dirty dishes to wait for another day.