Friday, January 29, 2021

Intoxicated it's true


Oh, Caitlin didn't really know what would happen.

A little of her felt she'd escaped somehow. She really wasn't sure how it progressed or why and maybe she wouldn't even question it.

No, she liked it here a Deano's. Actually, he was pretty normal looking. She tried to tell herself he was soft. Just an underclassman. His eyes were sad, but he really did listen to her, and she needed that. 

Yes, she did have intentions of going back and staying at Melvin's, waiting for him to get back from urgent care, but Cori made it all seem crazy, and if she had enough sense she'd stay away. And there was Deano, who said his place was only a few blocks down the street.

He said he didn't live with anybody, and Caitlin thought that kind of nice. She smiled and shook the baggie in front of him as if it might be a treat or just a test.

"Cool," his smile was calm and he nodded. Deano said he already had some.

"Really?" Caitlin couldn't help but wince or maybe that was a wink. " just don't look like the type."

"How am I supposed to look?" Deano looked at her as if he needed to be enlightened. Caitlin couldn't help but laugh as she looked back at him and almost slipped on a soda can on the icy street.

When he caught her from falling, it was like a ballet. Maybe even mystical. She'd never felt this intoxicated before.

It wasn't long until they were at his place and it wasn't too bad. Not perfect, but not bad either. She looked around as if it was a nice little get-away with a clean table next to the skinny white kitchen and just over her shoulder was his made bed. 

Yes, it was small, but enough for two, and he was everything she really wanted. Someone who wanted to listen and reacted as if he knew his cue. He helped with the pot and really he was a new friend indeed and knew a lot of her needs without even asking.

It was funny. Had she put her hand over his mouth when she thought he might scream, but possibly it was her screaming with delight. Before she knew it she was with him and the hours turned into days and it felt perfectly pleasing.


  1. It's really cool to see Caitlin allowing herself to open up to other adventures

    1. Thanks! I am also a Joseph Zeng fan and found him inspiring. Of course, some won't be happy about her being with Deano.

  2. You achieved nice chemistry between Caitlan and Deano. The dialogue is well written and sounds natural.
    Have a great week ahead.

    1. Thanks! It felt it was going in circles as I wrote this and yet I wanted to see her find someone who could catch her as well to be someone she would want to hang out with. Maybe not the smartest move in a pandemic and yet I have a feeling the pandemic has stirred people more than they realize.

  3. Omg love it! <3

  4. Que encontro em? Quente e feliz! Tomara que continuem assim juntinhos. 💋😘⚘

  5. Hacen una linda pareja. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso y te deseo un buen fin de semana

  6. What a lovely story! Thanks for sharing.

    Infinitely Posh

  7. What a lovely couple. I wish I could find someone like Deano also. 😀


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