Tuesday, July 20, 2021

And if it was an open/shut case


Roman knew Kyle had the stress of waiting out for the baby's arrival. He knew he couldn't trouble him, but something was bothering him about having Bea as a roommate. It was as if he felt she was spying on him and LaLa while all along he was spying on her.

"Why couldn't you have forgotten about a roommate?" Roman winced at first with the matter with LaLa. Did they have to sleep together just to save money? Suddenly, he felt he was in a bit of a retro Spike Lee movie. But it was 2021, hadn't things gotten better? Of course, after a while, he kept his worried thoughts to himself because LaLa always had a way that she could take care of things far better than he could. "What am I? A child with a first grader's mind?" He asked.

They'd had their rounds of whisper shouting in their own room about the problems with Bea. They were always tidying up and he still hadn't found a way to please Bea with any of their meals. They were either too greasy or too southern. Bea wanted everything Mediterranean. Of course, LaLa took her side which didn't help matters. 

There were so many times Roman wanted to call Deano to ask if he could take a little vacation at Deano's little place while they were staying at Cori and Megan's. He'd just about had enough.

But then, he caught on that Bea talked to herself a lot.

"Well, maybe she's on the phone," LaLa explained.

"No, she's not." He knew. Her phone was on the dining table and she was in her room with somebody.

"Like who?" LaLa looked surprised.

"To hell, if I know." Roman looked at her as if he never went to a spy school. Naturally, LaLa rolled her eyes at him.

"You don't think she's got somebody in her room, do you?" Roman was thinking of all sorts of peculiar sceneraios. What if there was dead Marcus in her room? Oh, it gave him the shivers.


  1. Hola!! este capítulo esta súper interesante, tengo ganas de leer el próximo. Besos

  2. I wonder why Roman is so worried about having Bea as a roommate. Maybe it is a six sense of sorts.
    Roman and LaLa dynamics is interesting. I like their dialogue and how Lala rolled her eyes at him.

    1. Thanks so much. Thank you for reading and commenting.

  3. Uy lo dejaste interesante. Te mando un beso

  4. Curiouser and curiouser! This is funny: '"Did they have to sleep together just to save money? Suddenly, he felt he was in a bit of a retro Spike Lee movie."' Hey, you've gotta have laughs with such unease afoot! Bea's a strange one. I can't wait to find out what she's up to.

    In response to your comment, that's great that you found the third Islanders book at the Dollar Tree. I've never read that series, but I know how exciting it is to find a title you've been looking for, especially at such a discount. You must have an amazing book collection. Also, who knew that a high, chicken-feet-eating friend could inspire an entire blog series? Actually, I take that back. The "real" Caitlin sounds exactly like the kind of character who would find her way into fiction! Your version of her is indeed edgy but sweet, feisty and likable. She must be very proud. :)

  5. Lately I've been so busy that I'm not being able to follow your story. :( However, is always nice to pass by and read a nicely written chapter. :) Have a nice day.
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    1. Thank you for dropping by! Thanks for commenting! I hope you are having a good summer.

  6. O que tem de errado em falar sozinha?
    Eu faço isso o tempo todo! kkkk...
    Eu entendo vc Bea!


    1. What's wrong with talking to yourself? I do it all the time! kkkk... I understand you bea!


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