Thursday, July 22, 2021

Take my hand Wreck my plans

 "Frankly, I think you've lost it." LaLa shook her head. She had plenty to worry about than good old Aunt Bea. Of course, Bea was all of thirty-five. True, LaLa didn't know what she was trying to do. After all, she didn't consider Roman her best friend. And yet, they did more than room together. 

Of course, it was a mistake. But what could she do, the sex was good and she was possibly a horrible person. She couldn't even let Caitlin know any of this. They weren't really a couple, but here they were squabbling over Roman's Aunt Bea as if she might be a fugitive on the run.

"She's a nurse. She's had a hard year or two just like the rest of us," LaLa winced. "If she wants to talk to herself, then let her." She couldn't be mental. She just couldn't be.

"Does she have any friends?" Roman wanted to know as if LaLa would know.

"Do you?" She shot back with a swelled mouth of attitude. 

Roman looked at her as if he could not let this go. Funny, all she could think as she looked at him in their empty bedroom was how in the world did they get mixed up with each other. But it happened. Usually, about three in the morning. No wonder she was so tired. If he was her man, he would have given her back rubs that would even take care of the souls of her feet. But no, he stood there like an idiot with thoughts about his strange aunt.

He looked at her as if this was her fault. And they kept their arms hugging themselves as if there would never be any love lost between them. Suddenly, they heard the front door slam. His aunt was gone. They waited ever so still as if she might be back in a minute.

She wasn't.

Roman looked LaLa in the eye. She looked back at him as if this was their chance. Who was in Bea's room?


  1. How sad!!! You are a fantastic writer dear, your stories are amazing

  2. Hola!! Roman y Lala vamos por esa oportunidad

  3. Uy lo dejaste interesante. Te mando un beso y genial fragmento

  4. Wait, Aunt Bea is 35?! For some reason, I thought she was around 60! This puts a whole new spin on things. And I so hope that Roman and LaLa bust into her room now that she's gone and find out what the hay is going on. On another note, it sounds like Roman maybe wants to be more than LaLa's roommate with benefits. Which is interesting. Either way, riveting, suspenseful writing as always. :)

    I liked hearing about your homemade top, however imperfect. Also, about how you like to make do because so many people have so little -- especially back during the French Revolution. It's funny that you bring that up, because I recently saw Marie Antoinette for the first time (I know, a bit late to the party) and have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, I thought, oh, Marie was just this scared little girl forced to marry a prince who wanted nothing to do with her and she never even said that thing about letting them eat cake! I felt a little sorry for her. But then there were those scenes with her and her friends literally cramming fancy cakes into their mouths and partying, and I would think, hmm, maybe the message is that she is indeed decadent but became that way as a means of survival and also doesn't know what she's doing? I do know that I hated the part where King Louie opts to spend money on the American Revolution just to stick it to England instead of on food for his people. That Sofia Coppola sure paints a complex picture.

  5. I knew aunt Bea will be an interesting character.


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