Wednesday, July 6, 2022

After the fireworks


There were those off-and-on rain showers. It kind of cooled things off a bit for the fireworks.

"Remember last year?" Caitlin said to LaLa. "The humidity was so awful." She made a face of disgust as she opened the bottle of water Deano got her. It said Princess on the bottle. Actually, he got her a goodie bag since he'd hoped she would just stay at home with glow bracelets and sparklers. He'd gotten the latest Doctor Who movie, but she'd have none of it. She was here to bug Megan.

Of course, when she'd gone to the apartment, Megan really did look sick.

It made Caitlin a little sad. "You've lost weight, girl!" She was practically in a shouting match about it. Of course, Megan didn't have any to lose. But she wouldn't talk about it with LaLa. Naturally, she was put off with all her friend's talk about how the pregnancy was making her fat, but of course, Caitlin went on and tasted whatever was at the cook-out. After all, she loved Roman's tasty ribs and his potato salad was divine too. 

"Oh, I don't remember much of anything," LaLa was practically mute. Caitlin was beginning to think COVID had done something to her friend. 

"How can you forget?" Caitlin looked at her blankly. Of course, it was just grownups for this activity. It was good to see her little brother Rico with Liv. They looked like a couple, even if Rico said they weren't. They could practically finish each other's sentences. And now they had Nic and Mona to hang out with.

Oh, to be young and have summer waiting for you, she now thought. Naturally, she ate another cupcake.

"I hope Mario is all right," LaLa then sighed. Mario had COVID. Although, he said he could take care of it with some cold medicines. 

"I'm sure he's fine." Caitlin nodded. As long as their dad didn't get sick, it was all OK. Suddenly, she felt she should call it a night. Of course, Deano was with the guys drinking beer and laughing. 

She tossed the cupcake. Yes, it was her turn to do the adulting. She was taking Deano home. It was about time she was the driver in this relationship.

Honestly, Jade hated when everyone just assumed she was a lesbian because she liked street clothes. Granted, she should have stayed in like her sister said, but she could only take so much of her brother-in-law Derrick's humor. 

He just wasn't that funny, she'd texted Tristan but she never heard from him. All she wanted to do was maybe walk the block and see the fireworks in the sky. You didn't have to drive forty minutes somewhere just to watch fireworks at a stadium. Well, her family never did.

She remembered setting off fireworks at the nearby high school with the neighbor kids while growing up. They lived on base, back then and the MPS gladly said it was OK to do fireworks there instead of on the street. But times had changed. Jade was no longer in school and her parents weren't around anymore.

Sure, she was in a slump. Although, she knew she was just a burden to about anyone she met these days, and then out of nowhere some girl with red hair wanted to beat her up. Right under the street lights. She texted Tristan about this too. As well as her sister. Jade didn't know what she did. She was on her phone. Couldn't she be left alone. However, someone felt as if she owned the neighborhood. Still Jade said nothing.

It had been a while, but if she had to..she would fight. She would. Of course, she didn't know how she would explain this to her parole officer. Jadee wasn't looking for a fight. Finally, she felt fleeing might be her best bet. But who knew how fast that girl could run. Wasn't like Jade sprinted all the time. Although, she had a coach tell her once she had the heart of an athlete. Although she suspected, she might have smoked too many cigarettes and other harsh substances for that to be true. Especially now.

 Jade ran into the humid night. She could feel the sweat trickling down her neck and even her arms. What a sick night it was. And she was frantic.

Jade ran toward home. Luckily, she met Tristan on his scooter and they set off on a journey back to his place. And all was fine as he high-tailed it through the back streets as if they might be making their own action-packed movie. She fell in love with the hum of the scooter and of course, caressed him as if she loved the weight of him next to her. The night was alive with vigor and everything felt exciting and real she no longer felt the stifling night. Oh, she could feel it, see it, racing to his room, a dance of pulling off clothing. She sighed. She'd see his abs. She would know them personally.

 Unfortunately, the old scooter started to sputter and just a block or so from his place the motor went silent and he had to push it home. So they walked.

He said nothing. Naturally.

"It wasn't my fault." She told him about the fight.

"So you say." He wouldn't look at her.

"No, I'm serious." She was in a pout as she hugged herself. Really, it felt as if they'd had their own roller coaster ride and now they were at a standstill. How would they ever get passed this sad moment "You're not that mad..are you?"

He only sighed. But he didn't argue. He pushed on and she walked on the other side of the scooter and started to push too.

"I would buy you a burger," she then said.

"We can't go through the drive-through, like this." He told her. 

"We could try." She shrugged.

"I don't want to." He was straight-lipped. It was then he saw them in the apartment parking lot and halted. Tristan sighed heavily.

"What's going on?" Jade asked as she stood there with him under the streetlight.

"Just..just tell them," he sighed even more as he looked at her. "If they ask, I'm going to tell them you're with me."

"Well yeah?" She winced hard. What was he getting at? He gave her a look that she was an idiot.

"As in, you are my girlfriend." Tristan looked at her blankly.

Jade almost smiled.

"But not really." He cut to the chase.

Jade wasn't sure she liked this drawback, but maybe method acting could lead to something else. Naturally, she came behind him and put her arm around him. She nustled up to him as if she was ready to play the part.


  1. curious to know what next after the following sentence:"she was ready to play the part...."

  2. Hola! muy interesante el capítulo, tengo ganas de saber qué pasará en el próximo capítulo. Besos

  3. Que tiernos, me gusto el fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  4. Ngl, I'm low-key worried about LaLa and Mario. :/


  5. Being young and having summer spread out before is such a good feeling.


  6. Nice chapter
    Thanks for sharing my dear friend
    Kisses ♥

  7. Caitlin is still my favorite character. She's just so funny: "Oh, to be young and have summer waiting for you, she now thought. Naturally, she ate another cupcake." I love the contrast between the optimism of the summer and the shoveling in of more junk food. But then, of course, Caitlin turns it around. Because she's "the driver in the relationship now." Love that!

    Jade and Tristan's story is full of suspense and romance. And, of course, humor: "She sighed. She'd see his abs. She would know them personally." I'm interested to find out about these people Tristan's trying to avoid. But not as interested as I am in his and Jade's nascent love story. :)

    1. I'm glad she's still your favorite character. Yes, it's hard to believe she has a family and is going to have a family with Deano. But sometimes, I even shock myself..hahahaa..


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