Thursday, June 15, 2023

The woes of June

 "You can't stay mad at Rico," Ali winced with a sigh. She'd listened to Liv practically all night. She'd tossed and turned during their sleepover. 

"Look, I'm just glad Sammie didn't leave, after all." Ali didn't understand why Liv was so livid. "Maybe he's just what she needs."

"Who?" Liv looked at her as if she could only think of Rico.

"Both of them," Ali gave her look that Liv needed to just calm down. "She could be living with you. You two could be sharing a room, but no. She's with who she wants to be with. Gabe."

Ali said Diago was fine with it. Even his mom said maybe this was all for the best.

Liv sucked in a breath as she hugged herself hard.

"I was hoping Rico and me.... could have..."

"What?" Ali practically laughed. "You want to live with Rico all on your own. Are you serious?" Ali should have known it would be this way. After all, she knew she had dreams like that too, but knew, in the end, they were not really ready for something like that.

Oh, Mona was in a bad way. "What are we going to do?" Delia looked to Tristan. After all, Nic was the one who left him in charge. He told Tristan on the way to the airport that he and Delia could have his room.

Only now, it didn't look like Mona would ever leave it. She didn't even say goodbye.

Tristan only sighed. "Let's just leave her alone for now." He wouldn't rush it. "She's.. she's-"

"Hurting?" Delia knew he wouldn't say it. He only shrugged back as if this was all Mona's fault. No one else.

"I just don't understand Nic," Delia was baffled. Of course, she was baffled about a lot of things right now. Just when she thought she knew Dora best she obviously didn't. It was true, Dora wasn't thinking about her at all and suddenly she felt as if they were cut off from each other, but they'd had such a long friendship. Didn't that mean something? "I just thought.. you know, Nic was like her anchor.. or something."

"Oh her ship has sailed," Tristan practically chuckled but he asked her if she wanted a spam sandwich. "Mona might smell them and come out. Remember, you get in that room and lock yourself in." There was the importance of having your own bathroom. 

He went to get the Spam and opened it. Before Delia knew it the Spam was sizzling in the pan, but no Mona. Delia went to the door. She knew Mona was crying. She went back to the kitchen. "What if she's like this the whole summer? Should I call her mother?"

"We'll do that tonight," he nodded. 

Soon enough, Weezer and Nonnie appeared and he had the fries on in the airfryer. It was as if he'd mastered all of Nic's thrifty skills. But Mona didn't come out of Nic's room. It was as if she was going to be there for a while.

"OK, just. . a heads up..  Nic has left me in charge," Tristan nodded after everyone settled down to the food. "I don't think we will have any new roommates this summer."

"I like that idea," Weezer nodded as he munched on a fry.

"As soon as we get Mona.. out of here.. then.. then Dale and I will get Nic's room. Nic said he wanted it that way," Tristan told him Nic gave him a notebook about what to keep track of with the bills and such.

"What if Mona won't leave?" Nonnie looked at him as if this was going to be weird.

"Well. she can stay. I guess. But not in that room." Tristan gave them a serious eye.

Delia looked at him as if this might take some secret maneuvers on everyone's part. After all, Mona was in a very sad way.


  1. Oh, this turns interesting
    thanks for sharing, you know I love your stories
    I hope you have an amazing day ♥

  2. Mona is taking this hard. I mean, Tristan clearly has issues with her, but the trip WAS sudden. I can see her being upset. Plus breaking up. The room situation is tricky. Will she stay? I don't feel like I remember enough of her backstory, I may have to go back and catch up. :)


    So Joon and Maia had technical difficulties lol. They'll be back on sunday though w/ Ch 19. I need to get 17 and 18 back posted... and thank you for your comment! I can where it would be difficult to co- write w/ someone, because it would be hard to be on the same page/ I think it'd be fascinating to rolplay a story like that. You have very elaborate backstories (or maybe you've been doing it a long time)

    1. Good that Joon & Maia will be back!πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸŒΈπŸŒΈπŸŒΈπŸŒΈπŸŒΈOh, I don't know how elaborate those back stories are. A lot of my characters are just a we bit of me remembering certain people I have worked with or met and then most of it is just fiction.πŸŒΈπŸ’—πŸŒΈπŸ’—πŸ§‘πŸ§‘πŸ§‘Mona came on to the scene when Rico met her at the skating rink. He was new at school and she's a little older than him..well, he thought they hit it off. He was smitten with her and then one night when he noticed this guy who was bothering her (which was Tristan) Rico thought he could save her..end of story..but as it was, she didn't want to be saved and he was a "kid" to Mona. Later, of course, she kept pushing Tristan's buttons which I think a part of her enjoyed doing. Then to get Tristan mad at his sister, Mona took off on her own on a bustrip and when she found Nic in the middle of nowhere Nebraska instantly she knew she wanted him. Hopefully, this helps with Mona now.

    2. Oh it does! Thank you!! So Mona's a little iffy. She likes to push Tristan's buttons haha and now she wants Nic, and he's... gone. So maybe she feels like rico felt when she didn't really go for Rico? I like that your characters aren't just one dimensional. they have layers, they can be good AND bad.

      Thank you. I'm thinking of a title change and maybe changng a few things with the set up- it started off as a throwaway thing and now that I'm still writing it I want to make it a little tighter. Do you use any of the fanfic or other sites like Wattpad or ?

    3. It seems a few places I have posted are now gone. I had put a few shorts on GetUnderlined but its gone now. I never had much luck on Wattpad. It seems you have to have a lot of networking on that one to have any success or just get lucky and everyone runs with some wattpads authors I have read that have published..only it's just one long commercial hoping you'll read their next book so you'll get the answers you're searching for.

      Have you had any feed back from the Sci-Fi place you were posting?
      Hope it will work out with your writing.

    4. I haven't started there yet but I'm going to use Royal Road soon. I've heard that about Wattpad. For Royal Road I've heard they like chapters a little longer than what I'm doing- my Joon stuff are short chapters.

  3. Ne fa pena Mona. Genial fragmento Te mando un beso.

  4. Me da pena Mona. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  5. I love the "liv" thing going on in this line: "Ali didn't understand why Liv was so livid." So clever! And then Mona . . . poor Mona! I was glad to hear Tristan say that she could stay, however begrudgingly. Even though her relationship with Nic had run its course, it's brutal being on your own -- and also needing a new apartment! Finally, I got a chuckle out of the mention of the air fryer. They're so popular now! Not that I'll be getting one, despite my "out of the fire and into the fryer" post, ha ha. I've had a Crockpot for years and barely use it!

    I love the pink radio and green sandals in your collages! They scream summer! πŸ’šπŸŽ€πŸŒžπŸ’šπŸŽ€πŸŒžπŸ’šπŸŽ€πŸŒžπŸ’šπŸŽ€πŸŒžπŸ’šπŸŽ€πŸŒžπŸ’šπŸŽ€πŸŒž


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