Saturday, June 17, 2023

Yes it's no use saying that you don't know nothing It's still gonna get you if you don't do something


"What if I really messed up this time," Nic remembered saying to Tristan on the way to the airport. He had no time to say goodbye to anyone. Time was of the essence. Sure, even now he felt like the most selfish person ever.

Of course, Tristan looked blankly ahead on the drive, "You'll know when you get there. If they want to send you the Viet Nam for business, it might mean a slave labor camp." Tristan shot him a look. "Then you know, it might be too late to get out of there."

Nic told him he knew this place was legit. He'd had to go through several interviews. But he'd never heard back. That was back in late January. He was about to say her name then, but Tristan stopped him.

"It'll be all right. You need to see this through. We'll all be all right. " Tristan seemed certain about it. After all, he was going to take care of Nic's car. " I think it's best for both of you if you cut all ties at the moment. You need a fresh start." He reminded Nic she'd done that to him last summer. "Karma can be bitch, but it's not your fault."

Nic only nodded. It felt this was the last of the English language he would hear for a while.

"Call me if you need to talk," it was one of the last things Tristan said when he got him to the airport. He didn't go in, but he slapped him on the back and gave him a half hug. "Stay strong, bro." It was then Nic knew who he would miss most. It wasn't Mona and her very long list of things to do, but it was Tristan. He almost said it when he thought it. Why couldn't Tristan come with him?

"Well, I don't know any more Korean than you do," he knew Tristan would have said that with a smirk. Of course, Nic knew he must have gotten by on his looks. They just figured he'd have to know some Korean. He knew YES and could stumble through "I'm sorry" for the most part which he got mixed up with "Thank You" a good bit of the time. He had hours of this in his annoying dreams as he slept on the plane. Was this all a nightmare, after all? Ever so often he thought of Mona laying heavy on his chest, just watching and smiling like a wild child.

Really, he wanted cry and ask for forgiveness, but he just couldn't. No every time he thought about texting her, he couldn't find the words to say. He didn't really miss her because he couldn't think about her when he was going to a world where everyone thought he was supposed to be one of them. Not this kid from the Rez.

But somehow, he managed to get to Seoul all on his own. And customs was a breeze. It was all so efficient. Not one hang up as he had expected. When he walked out into the busy airport, there was someone holding up a sign with his name. And she wasn't Korean.

It was a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but laugh as he walked toward her. But wait. He couldn't believe his eyes. She looked so familiar he had to know her. Didn't he? He winced thinking, maybe it was a class he'd had with her, or a friend of a friend of someone. He couldn't help but stare. Of course, he thought it might be jet lag. It couldn't be anyone he knew. But he had to.

"So nice to meet you," she smiled and held out her hand. He bowed instead and almost bumped her head. Honestly, he felt he was already supposed to know her. He had to have met her somewhere.

"Do you know me?" was all he could manage. Of course, every bone in his body was dragging. He hoped he didn't have to work today.

"Yes, I have everything here on my phone. I'll take you to your apartment." She told him as they walked toward the indoor parking garage. 

"But.. but who are you?" He winced.

"Felicity," she held up the id, hanging around her neck.

"No, I don't think so," Nic couldn't help but say as he shook his head. She gasped a laugh. 

"I'm Canadian," she told him. They got in the white economy car with the company's name on it. 

"You, you just make me think of somebody back home." Still, he couldn't put his finger on who it might be. It wasn't someone who he knew very well, but they'd met. And he seemed to remember somebody had a picture of her as if they might be... It hit him then. His eyes opened wide.

"Oh, you aren't homesick are you?" She looked at him as if maybe she might check his forehead for a fever.

"I'm sorry," Nic almost said in Korean. He smiled with a nod and said he most definitely wanted to see where he would be living. He needed to text Tristan. Felicity was the spitting image of Tristan's little sister.


  1. story with a good flow....
    have a great weekend

  2. I hope Tristan is giving im good advice. I think he is, about telling him to go for this, although Mona... I feel bad for her but at the same time maybe they're not right for each other.

    Karma can be a bitch. That's true sometimes.

    I had to laugh when he almost bumped while bowing. :) Nice touch with the "I'm sorry" at the end. and oh my gosh get OUT! That isn't Tristan's sister is it?? Did he KNOW? Or just coincidence? I haveta know more

  3. Genial fragmento - Le e enviara el mensaje. Lo dejaste muy interesante.

  4. Is Felicity Tristan's little sister?! What a mysterious end to the post ! You get better and better, Ellie!

    1. Thanks for giving me a smile! Well, sometimes, we just meet people we feel we have known before. And maybe he needed to find someone he felt at home with too.

  5. I loved the chapter

  6. Ellie,
    Another excellent chapter presented.
    Kisses and have a beautiful week!!!

  7. And now we get Nic's side of the story! I feel for him too because big life changes are hard. Even, as he himself admits, he doesn't even miss Mona. This part is so beautifully written and haunting: "Ever so often he thought of Mona laying heavy on his chest, just watching and smiling like a wild child." I was surprised to find out who Nic would miss, though -- Tristan! And then when his new friend/colleague/wrangler Felicity reminds him of Tristan and he seems so smitten, well, it gives us a lot to think about! 💖🤔💖🤔💖🤔💖🤔


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