Thursday, June 29, 2023

You got that James Dean daydream look

 "Who are you talking to?" Hoyt knew he shouldn't ask. After all, he was just an outsider here and as much as he wanted Mona to get out of here he knew she wouldn't go. This wound with Nic cut deep.

Tristan gave him a go-to-hell expression.

"Why do you care?" He was even-lipped as if he best get out of his face. 

"Why were you talking about Mona?" Hoyt wanted to know.

"Oh God, shouldn't you be leaving now?" Tristan fretted as he went to get himself some coffee in the pristine kitchen. 

It was as if the place had to be so tidy, while it wasn't like that in Mona's tiny room, and yes Hoyt spent so many nights staying up with her. He was really dragging, but he did have his lawn business to get to. He knew of better places to stay. His mom managed rentals so he knew what was on the market.

"About that," Hoyt was serious. "I want to be here for Mona. And well, I'll pay next month's rent for me and Mona."

Tristan practically rolled his eyes at him. 

"Have you ever thought about how Delia will feel, about you being here?"

"Delia?" He'd been oblivious to that fact. She was just an afterthought. When he saw that girl Dale with Tristan it hadn't crossed his mind to actually remember who she was. Hoyt remained straight-lipped. Really, she was a good time when he needed one, but it was nothing serious. "Who are you talking about?" He thought it best to say. Delia had never been the real deal. Oh, no..not like the love he felt for Mona even if she could treat him like trash most of the time. Still, they were good together. Always would be, he'd decided.

"Never mind." Tristan wanted the rent money. He was solemn about their situation. "I hope you know what you're doing."

Hoyt nodded. He could transfer the money over the phone if Tristan just gave him the details. He poured a cup of coffee for Hoyt and there was a bowl of protein bars on the table. 

"If Nic were here, we'd be eating most nights together, but now-" Tristan started.

"We can still do that," Hoyt shot him a look. 

"Can we?" Tristan winced hard. He shook his head, no. "There is just too much history here," Tristan said it wasn't right to put Nonnie and Weezer in the middle of all this.

"I feel certain it will get better," Hoyt knew Tristan didn't even want him to mention Delia. "And..and well, I thought she was Dale. Maybe..maybe somebody who looked like Delia." He cradled the cup of coffee. "Honestly, I haven't thought about her in a while."

"Oh really, didn't you try to hook up with her over the winter?" Tristan shot him a look.

"Just cabin fever," he looked away.

"But we had a very mild winter," Tristan reminded him.

"Look, I don't get out much. I work for my mother," he was being honest.

"Well, you're a crazy fool to fall for Mona. She'll just make you crazier." Tristan sipped his coffee. 

Hoyt took a mouthful of warm bitterness. Tristan might have been right, but then Hoyt had always been crazy for Mona.


  1. Ooh this is complicated. So Hoyt had a fling with Delia. I almost feel bad for Tristan here, with Hoyt... moving in for a month? Still, he's trying to help Mona. Like I said, complicated!

    I hope he's careful because as devastated as Mona is over Nic, I'd hate to see her in a rebound thing w/ Hoyt.

  2. A gente não escolhe por quem vamos nos apaixonar, te entendo Hoyt!
    Boa quinta e boa sexta para você! :)

  3. Genial fragmento. Las cosas se complican al igual que los sentimientos. Te mando un beso

  4. I liked finding out more about Hoyt's history with Delia. No wonder she's bitter about him being back! No one wants to be someone's cabin fever fling. Also, I'm not sure if Hoyt's concern for Mona is romantic so much as it is controlling. As I often say, we shall see! 💗🤔

    By the way, I'm loving all these T-Swift references in the collages! 💖🎵

  5. Very interesting chapter.
    Love is complicated!


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