Friday, June 30, 2023

Hoyt & Mona

 Just how far back do you two go?

MONA: I think he's liked me since third grade. (she doesn't look impressed) HOYT: Second grade. (He clarifies giving her a look) Remember, I was at your birthday party and I found out you knew how to spell my name. I was really impressed. (he grins) MONA: Yeah, I was writing in my journal how much I couldn't stand you. (she shrugs) HOYT: We had a lot of sleepovers when we were little. I lived next door. I loved spending summers with you. Pool Pass! (he grins) We even had swimming lessons together. (He looks at her as if it were the best of times) MONA: (She sighs as if this never impressed her. She glares at him.) I was hoping he moved away. HOYT: (He puts his arm around her. Almost a half hug) I'm glad I didn't. I know you need me more than ever. MONA: (She fumes a sigh as if he's really not on the same page with him) I guess I'm stuck with him. (she is even lipped) Maybe he's like a brother I never had. HOYT: Don't say that. (he winces as he looked down at her) You know, you're the bestest. You always have been in my book. (Mona shrugs back as if she wants him to get off her, but he doesn't budge. Hoyt looks straight into the camera.) We're gonna get through this. It'll be the best summer ever!


  1. I like this chapter like a dialog.

  2. Wow Mona's tough! She is clearly not on the same page as he is lol, or else just playing coy. :)

  3. Uy me gusta Mona y que sorpresas le traerá el verano. Te mando un beso.

  4. Hmm. Mona and Hoyt really do have a storied history! Those ties run deep. And can be very compelling. But also -- it's weird that Hoyt won't let go of Mona, both figuratively and literally. I think maybe she just needs some time with other friends. 🎀🍪💗🥧

  5. I love how you wrote this chapter as a screenplay.
    You write dialogues really well.


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