Sunday, July 2, 2023

And I got that good girl faith

 Roxanne wasn't sure what she was wishing for. It might have been her idea to work with Gabe at the coffee shop, but she wasn't certain of it because Pan was the one who got the ball rolling.

He'd helped enroll Gabe in some on the job training of learning how to use certain machinery with a company that was in digging up space for drain pipes. But that was mainly a weekend gig.

"Hopefully, he can handle it at the coffee shop," Pan didn't seem to care. He just wanted his brother to have a job and it kind of worked out that Gabe always got there early in the morning when she did. Since she had afternoon classes now.

Of course, it was strange. He was so much like Pan, but not. Actually, he knew the machines so well. She didn't really understand how he could be so handy when Pan was not like that at all. Pan was too busy on the computer to know anything about how anything worked.

"Well, I've always liked to know how things work," Gabe smiled about the matter. "My dad always said I liked electricity. I always seemed determined to take things apart. Putting it back together can troublesome, but when you got a lot of time on your hands," He shrugged. "I guess it paid off."

He was very calm with the customers too. He didn't let anything rattle him. Oh, he was ten times better than Mona. Thankfully, they found Gabe just in time.

At times, it did feel like she was with Pan and that frightened her. What if she reacted the way she would with Pan? She kept her distance. It would take some getting used to.

"So you and Sammie are OK, now?" She wondered if he'd had any troubles with her family.

"Oh, yeah," Gabe let a smile slip as if they still might be having a honeymoon. "She loves it there." He spoke of the apartment. "She knows how to make it cozy, and yeah things are really looking up." He nodded.

Honestly, she envied him so much, or maybe it was Sammie. Especially, when he said he wanted to get married. "But it seems like light years away." He shrugged. "Maybe we should just do it, you know."

Roxanne tried her best to smile. She knew she'd never hear those words from Pan.


  1. So Roxanne might fall in love with Gabe, Pan's brother. One never knows. I like Gabe - nice character, and can handle things manually, not just work on the computer.

  2. That made me laugh about Pan not knowing how things work. Gabe seems like a good guy. Roxanne seems to wish PAn were a little more like him lol. and ooh Mona works there too? Fun/

    Hope you have an awesome 4th! And nice weather/

  3. Roxanne just might get lucky!

  4. Me dio pena Roxane. Genial fragmento te mando un beso.

  5. Other nice chapter
    Thank you so much for sharing
    Kisses ♥

  6. Working with Gabe seems to be putting a spotlight on Roxanne's discontent with Pan. Which is especially tricky, given that Gabe and Pan are twins. The last lines are especially haunting:

    "Roxanne tried her best to smile. She knew she'd never hear those words from Pan."

    Gabe wants to marry Sammie, but Pan doesn't want to marry Roxanne. Maybe this is a sign that Roxanne needs to talk to Pan or maybe, ultimately, find someone else.

    The part about Gabe being better at working at the coffee shop than Mona is funny -- and comes as no surprise! πŸ’”☕πŸ’”☕πŸ’”☕πŸ’”☕

  7. One never knows what words one might hear:)


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