Tuesday, July 4, 2023

on a day like today


Deano officiated Roman and Eddie's wedding. Cyrus hadn't been back to the rooftop since his own wedding so it was interesting to be there for somebody else's wedding.

He smiled thinking how clumsy he was and somehow, he was going to be a dad. Going through life with Pixie was like a ballet. She was so graceful in everything she did while he just stood and took her hand from time to time.

Deano mentioned earlier how he was trying to help Sammie out these days.

"We've decided to bring Hannah here so Sammie can be here at Megan's to help with the little ones. Hopefully, Hannah won't be as sick," Deano shrugged. "I just hope she won't get everyone else sick. Especially Meg's grandmother, but she does a lot with Cora and you know, she seems to be happy to have Sammie's help."

Cyrus was glad Sammie was back. He missed having her help at Mel's. She was good with the customers, and more dine-in was happening. But Cori had brought in more help. Really, Cyrus couldn't complain. 

After the ceremony there was food and he saw Sammie with Gabe. 

"So, I know you." Cyrus pointed to Gabe. "You two know how to keep a secret." His smile was open. Naturally, Sammie was being grateful and Gabe could hardly keep from laughing as he put his arm around her.

"I guess you won't be back to the pizzeria?" Cyrus asked. Sammie shook her head, no.

"Well, you might see me sooner than you think," Cyrus was a matter of fact. "Pixie could have Blossom any day now. I thought she would be here by now, but soon and then..well, when Pixie goes back to work, we'll let you help out with the newborn."

Of course, it was super convenient to have daycare right at home. He sighed as if he guessed he was ready for the moment to be here. About then, he got a call on his phone. He cringed. I was Pixie from downstairs. She was in labor.

"I might have spoken too soon," he said after he clicked off. He wouldn't let it rattle him. It was probably nothing. It had been nothing before, but even in false labor, he hated seeing Pixie in so much pain. He gritted. He hoped he remembered where the overnight bag was for this occasion.


  1. Nice to see sammie back. And oh crap! Labor! Or maybe. A 4th of July baby??? :) ?

  2. Tomara que dΓͺ tudo certo no parto de Pixie!
    Boa semana! :) <3

  3. Me gusta el personaje de Samie. Genial fragmento. Feliz 4 de julio. Te mando un beso. https://enamoradadelasletras.blogspot.com/

  4. Interesting chapter
    I really want know more!!
    Thanks for sharing
    I hope you have an amazing weekend ♥

  5. Aw, Roman and Eddie! I love these rooftop weddings. And Cyrus's reflections are so sweet -- and so Cyrus:

    "He smiled thinking how clumsy he was and somehow, he was going to be a dad. Going through life with Pixie was like a ballet. She was so graceful in everything she did while he just stood and took her hand from time to time."

    I love how you tied in the ballet theme. It seems that Pixie's going to need Cyrus's hand more than ever now that she's in labor! πŸ’—πŸ‘ΆπŸ’πŸŒΈ

  6. Good luck to Roman and Eddie.
    I can totally imagine Pixie as a gracious ballerina.


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