Monday, July 10, 2023

But this is gonna take me down


"I dunno, I'm worried about you," Eddie took one look at Bren and thought she needed to go in for a checkup. He'd brought her the flower arrangements she'd made for his and Roman's wedding so maybe she could use them for her own. They were only daisies but the had such a summer feel. He hoped they would be married by next month.

"I'm sure it's nothing," She looked so sleepy.

"Oh, really..tell me about this nothing?" He pried in and put the kettle on. It seemed she needed some care even if she wouldn't do it herself. "Have you even eaten today?"

"I..I just can't." She talked about his honeymoon. Was it already over?

"We aren't going anywhere until September. That's the only time we can manage to get off," he told her Roman had planned it. They were going to take a road trip to Colorado.

She nodded. It was as if she could barely manage to get to the kitchen table. 

"Did you even take a test?" He looked at her.

"Oh, it couldn't be Covid." She said they'd used the last of the tests and it would cost now.

"No, not that kind of test," He stared at her as her long lashes fluttered. He couldn't help himself to tell her his intuition. "I know these things, you're pregnant."

"What?" She grimaced. 

"Take a test. Let's find out." He didn't wait for her. He went to the bathroom cabinet and found the little slim box waiting.

"Oh, I just want to sleep," she protested.

"Well, you should. You very well should, but first, take the test." He got it out of the box as if it was nothing to be afraid of.

She sighed. "I haven't even thrown up."

"That means nothing." He shrugged. He coaxed her to the bathroom while he went to make some fruity herbal tea she had. "We will find out soon enough."

A few minutes later she came back with the results. She was at a loss for words.

"I can't believe this is happening," she looked indifferent about it, and Eddie didn't understand why.

"Mario won't mind, will he?" He reminded her how happy Mario's dad would be.

"I know," she sighed. That's when she told him her Dad was in town. She had a feeling he would be hanging around now.


  1. Loved the chapter. What a surprise to have to take the test so suddenly, I hope it all ends well.

  2. A dramatic chapter. I feel like taking a pregnancy test is always a dramatic experience.

  3. E' sempre un piacere tornare a leggere i tuoi capitoli cara Ellie...un grande abbraccio

  4. Hello!

    I love this, really catchy. I'm going to take some breaks to read the other chapters soon.

    Beautiful blog btw, I follow you right now.

    Hugs from Sulla Strada ✨

  5. Oh wow! Surprises!!!! A good one, hopefully. I'm glad her dad is around since it sounds like Mario has been a bit distant. she'll need lots of support now. Although she has t ocome to terms with her dad too. Has a lot on her plate!

  6. Espero que todo vaya bien para Mario. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  7. Ela parece ter gostado da novidade apesar da surpresa.
    :) Beijos!

  8. Oh my, a baby for Bren! I don't blame her for being anxious. Hopefully, it doesn't "take her down" and that Mario steps it up. Also, that things work out with her dad.

    The Noah's Arc art in the collage is so cute! 🦙🦙🐘🐘🐎🐎🐈🐈


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