Saturday, July 8, 2023

In my wildest dreams


Jade got Dora's old job. It was full-time and Ari thought it was a way to get her into something better than just the coffee shop. Sure, she was hesitant. After all, she'd be working with Tristan's significant other whom she thought was Dale all this time but was actually Delia.

"I don't know, why he calls me Dale, but it's Delia," Jade's co-worker told her who would be showing her the ropes around the yoga and dance studio. There would be scripts to learn in phone responses and calls about overdue payments. Yes, Frankie didn't have the means to outsource so it was good to pick up this kind of customer service skill. Or Ari kept telling her.

"It's a new way to meet the public," Ari kept insisting. Also, they could get a free membership, and of course, he loved the weight training room. Ari always dropped by when least expected.

"So how's it going?" He wanted to know by the third day.

"Oh, it's going," she didn't know what he wanted to hear. It felt as if she and Delia ended up having to take care of so much while everyone else just fiddled around.

"Oh, I'm sure they are all busy," Ari just kept being his chipper self and it made Jade all the more bitter. 

"It's just..Delia.." Jade started to tell him what was really on her mind. Why had Tristan picked her, an airhead as far as Jade was concerned? She wore cheap clothes, and her hair was a different color every day. Some days Jade didn't recognize her at all. What if Delia's a guy? Ok, she would never ever say it, but she woke up more than once in the middle of the night thinking of all of those bizarre wigs of Delia's.

And yeah, it hurt a lot to think Tristan could go for some random ditzy chick like Delia while he pushed Jade away last summer like he did. She knew it was all the wrong timing, but she thought..just maybe..maybe he would come to her, after all. Only...he never did and ignored her now for the most part.

Had she made him that uncomfortable? She knew she shouldn't think about it, but one thing for sure she knew she could never be Delia's friend. After all, Delia was with Tristan and it still shocked Jade to know he was with that kind of girl.


  1. Oh, my! Tristan preferred Delia to Jade. Jade felt , of course, very bitter about that. She considered Delia bizarre, unfit for Tristan. Go figure the taste of men in women!

  2. Ari lol. Wants to use the amenities. :)

    airhead :) That's tough though her having to adjust with what happened w/ Tristan. She's having a tough go with it, and I understand. Hopefully Ari realizes it's like oil and water.

    Is that a Niall Horan quote?

    1. I can't remember now because I looked at his song and Taylor Swift's song too. Thanks for comments. About Jade... Of course, I never read many stories where those kind of "feelings" about somebody you really wanted to be with, but somehow, it didn't happen...and of course, you find yourself questioning it at every turn.

    2. That part where she thinks about how she hoped he'd come to hrt, and he didn't... that hit me for some reason.

    3. I feel sure many of us have been in her shoes. I was always asking myself..what did I do that was wrong? Of course, the more we dwell on what we didn't have instead of what we do have is often a sad realization later how we completely missed what was actually happening. Of course, maybe Jade needs more girlfriends too.

  3. Me da pena Jade. Es mejor que lo olvide. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.

    1. I feel sorry for Jade. I'd better forget it. Great snippet. I send you a kiss.

  4. Sometimes it's bad timing.
    Sometimes people aren't ready to commit.
    Who knows what is the case with him.
    Very nice chapter.

  5. Ooh, Jade and Delia working together. Very interesting! I sympathize with Jade having to work so closely with the girl Tristan picked over her. So much so that I don't blame her for having catty thoughts about Delia's hair and clothes. To make matters worse, it doesn't sound as though she enjoys the job itself -- and that Ari might have pushed her into it just so he could use the gym! 🚫💔❓🩰🚫💔❓🩰


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