Friday, July 14, 2023

Keeping it real

 Nic did his best not to bother Felicity. After all, she'd done so much for him already at work. Yes, she did make life easier for him. He knew she must be sick of seeing him right now even if she did live down the hall.

He'd hesitated about sending a photo of her to Tristan. After all, he was certain Tristan would say he was only homesick and wouldn't see the resemblance of his sister. 

No, he would just focus on researching and other data for the brewery. They were looking to make a mint on summer sales. Although, he hadn't even tasted the beer. He didn't drink. 

"You're the strongest one here," Felicity had assured him at work. "Don't bow down to them. Keep your ground."

He guessed she was right, but he didn't go to all the dinners he was supposed to. No way was he getting intoxicated. 

There had been a Korean beef dinner he was happy to be a part of. They talked about a summer festival he'd have to help out with. Naturally, he would stay behind the scenes. He would help move out beer in boxes for the occasion. He knew he wasn't center-stage material just yet. 

After all, he knew he spent far too much time with Felicity. Honestly, he didn't want it to end. He just couldn't stop thinking about her. Yet she was so professional he admired that about her.

And then she showed up in her CARE BEAR pajamas.

"Are you sure you're all right?" She'd asked that night when he opened the door and found out it was her.

"Oh yeah, everything is great here," Nic smiled, wondering if she thought he was an idiot. "I just wish..I wish I knew the language like you did." Honestly, he needed her for a crutch. "I'm sorry for having to...put you through so much trouble."

"You aren't any trouble," she responded with a smile. "I think you have some wonderful ideas. You are doing fine."

"Really?" He doubted it. They sat down to the living space where the TV was. He was watching the Korean news hoping something would sink in, but not yet.

"How long did it take for be so fluent?" He wanted to know as he brought her a bottle of water and he had some snacks of pretzels and nuts on the coffee table. 

"Decades, I'm afraid." Her smile was open. He learned her stepmom was Korean. She'd known her since she was three. "I had to pick up something, you know." Later she said, it had been just her and her step-mom. "So I guess you could say I was emersed in knowing the language. In some ways, it's like my first language."

Nic nodded. "They must think I'm an idiot."

"No, they don't," she promised. "I think you're talented."

He couldn't take his eyes off her. No one had ever said that before. "Oh, you don't really know me yet." He couldn't help but laugh. Finally, he asked if he could take a picture with her. He said a friend from back home wanted to know who was helping him so much.


  1. Yes. My favorite Cars song. One of my fave songs ever actually.

    Korean beef. And ooh is he falling for Fel? Care Bear pajamas- awesome. :) And it will be interesting to see Tristan's reaction. I like where this is going though. Is she interested too, or just being helpful?

    Oh my gosh I found the BEST Korean street taco food truck a few years ago but they went to a different city...

  2. Oh que tierno fragmento. Me d iste hambre Te mando un beso.

  3. Nick admires Felicity who has helped him much at work. He even admits he likes to spend time with her. Where exactly is that leading to?

  4. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  5. We are what we wear -- and Felicity is the bear who cares! I love that she turns up in those PJs, showing Nic that there's more to her than mere professionalism. As for Nic himself, he seems to be doing fine, getting ahead in the beer business while avoiding drinking. No easy feat!

    Love the Cars lyrics in the collage! πŸš—πŸŽ΅

  6. i enjoy stories of certain "friendship" most where both girl and boy dwell at state of pure friendship and nothing else ,without any deeper level of attraction . i really wonder if such things happen in realty though i believe they do

    1. I think it might happen a lot more than we know. And I feel Nic grew up where there was much more friendships over romances. Of course, it's always interesting, looking at other cultures too. Actually, I based Nic on someone I noticed while I was out in the Black Hills of South Dakota, quite a while ago.


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