Sunday, August 11, 2024

And what it all comes down to

 "What? It's going to be fine," Carmen says although, she can't quite look Tristan's mother Pat in the eye. Carmen gives her nephew Kenny a comb-through with her fingers on the top of his head. He grins as he shows her all around the old house on the grounds of the zoo. She thought it was only a rumor until now. It's his new home. Finally, Carmen looks at Pat ever so seriously. "You don't have to worry about me."

Pat nods as if she thinks things will be fine for her and Justin. "I'm glad he said you could have the master bedroom." 

But Carmen knows that look of hers. She knows Pat isn't fine with anything. She's letting go slowly of Liv since Liv is being so secretive. There is nothing Carmen can do about that, but she's always been honest with her Foster mother. 

"I just don't understand Justin could become a legal guardian of someone," Pat shakes her head, no.

"They trust him," Carmen says about the matter. The group home has documented his rapport with Randy. They think it's for the best. After all, Justin is on a work visa and a student visa too. He plans to become an American citizen. 

"I'm just afraid for you," Pat squints with anguish. "What if..what if this kid just goes..I dunno bonkers?"

"Randy's not a kid," Carmen tells her. Yes, he might look like one. Maybe he will always be kid-like. "He likes me. I know him. I want the best for him, and I think this is what he needs."

She feels good about knowing Randy. She is still in shock that Justin would even be his guardian, but she is pleased. She likes what has become of Justin. She knew she had faith in him, and it radiated a certain happiness she never thought she would have for him. 

Pat only sighs.

"So how are Tristan and Dale doing at your place?" Carmen thinks that must be on Pat's mind too. "It must have taken a lot out of you and Dad to make this decision."

Pat nods. "Now if they'll only start a family."

Carmen shakes with laughter. She should have suspected this. Yes, Pat can't go a day without talking about grandbabies.


  1. Nice chapter, I really like it
    Can't wait to see what things will come in the life for this characters
    I hope you have an amazing week, full of good things
    Kisses ♥

  2. I soon realised that your creativity wasn't limited to just one blog! I've just started getting used to the characters! Have a nice Sunday!

  3. Well, very interesting chapter, good that you write these stories. Greetings, have a good new week, full of inspiration!


  4. I wish you a wonderful new week

  5. Espero que el deseo de Pat se cumpla. Te mando un beso.

  6. So interesting dear. You are very talented


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