Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Don't be discouraged


"Was I bad?" 

Jade is thankful that Liv can talk to her on the phone. She is busy tidying the kitchen in her not-so-flattering housedress, yet perfect for cleaning. These are things Ari expects even if he never says.

"About what?" Of course, Liv would have forgotten about the wedding. It was a quickie after all.

"You know, did I rush him," she sighs contemplating the lengths she went to to get an I DO. "I honestly feel I would be an old woman before it happened."

"You're so funny," Liv laughs. "Ari is a procrastinator. This much I know from all that you have said about him. No wonder he loves you so much. You are the opposite."

"Really?" Jade isn't sure she believes this little revelation of Liv's. She nurses her bottom lip. What if she's jumped the gun? What if it doesn't last?

"Look you know him, and I'm sure he knows you just as well. You want the best for each other."

Jade wants to believe this. She wants the best for both of them.

"So how was the honeymoon?" Liv's laughter goes on.

"What honeymoon?" Jade knows it was just for the weekend and of course, they made the most of it at home. "Oh, I was reading about someone on Instagram who had to go all the way to Italy just for a proposal."

"You know, neither of us are like that," Liv tells her she would be angry with Woo if he did something like that. "We just don't have the money."


"You know I'm proud of you," Liv says. "You are my role model."

Now Jade laughs. "I don't want to make things difficult for him," Jade says about her Ari. Yes, he is hers. Always.

"You don't have to have big plans. I really think you two understand each other," Liv says she hopes it's that way for her and Woo.


  1. So nice of Liv to say she considers Jade her role model.
    Lovely chapter!
    I think honeymoon is overrated.
    Relationship is so much more than romantic gestures and proposals.
    Honeymoon in a dreamy location means nothing if there is no love.

  2. Uy genial fragmento. Me gusto mucho. Te mando un beso.

  3. Acho legal a pessoa ter alguém que lhe sirva de modelo de vida, só não pode perder seu jeito único pra copiar outra pessoa. 😘🌼

    1. thanks so much for your comment 😊🌈❤️


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