Saturday, October 17, 2020

from one trouble to another


It was a surprise to hear from Hope who never called. Usually, Megan had to be the one who got a hold of her old roommate. Naturally, she was curious to see how the family unit was going these days. She was certain Hope was awfully busy with a toddler.

"Did you really find a roommate," Hope asked as Megan shut the door behind her to her room? She plopped in the middle of her bed and practically laid back as if she was in for a long phone conversation.

"Yes, we did. It's working out," Megan was possibly vague but she didn't want to say how things really were with the new roommate situation. Hope would give her an earful and yet her old roommate was living with her ex in a remote area in a tiny camper trailer.

"Good," but Hope sounded sad to stay it.

"Really? Are you doing all right out there in Colorado?" Megan was sure she couldn't suffice, but then again her only human contact, for the most part, was with Cori while Caitlin was snubbing every move they made.

"It's getting colder but we are doing OK. It's cozy," Hope said as if she might be having more fun than anyone knew, but Megan found that doubtful, especially with all the wildfires around, but Hope said they were safe.

"What is he? A mountain man or something?" Megan let slip. She never liked Kent, even if he thought he was a professor of some kind.

"Well, he doesn't have a beard," Hope said he barely managed a grungy look staying out in the wilderness.

"But, you say he's working?" Megan winced wondering what kind of life it could be.

Hope explained it was research. Hope typed most of the information for him and still had to take care of the baby and him. She did all the cooking and cleaning. It sounded like slavery.

"So you're not coming back?" Megan felt a little sad at the thought. She'd hoped her old roommate would come to her senses and head back. There were many nights Megan would awake thinking Hope would show up with Kent's toddler. 

"Oh, this research takes some time," Hope said, but in Megan's head, all she could think was that it would take even longer for Kent to figure out he couldn't raise a family in the wilderness.

When Megan got back to Cori and Caitlin, she was in shock that Cori was letting Caitlin cook.

"What did I miss?"


  1. I can relate to Megan missing her friend. Sometimes life takes us apart from our besties.:(

  2. I kind of wish Hope would remove herself from that situation - it doesn't sound ideal. :/


  3. Uy a ver que pasa en la comida . Te mando un beso y buen fragmento.

  4. I am waiting for the continuation ...

  5. Loved it. This story is so interesting

  6. Boa leitura, gostei da narrativa, envolvente!
    Grata por visitar meu blog e comentar meus escritos.

    Desejo uma feliz semana.


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