Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Most people really don't get me

 Truly, it was hard to keep a straight face around Cori, or so Megan was finding herself filled with laughter. Possibly, they danced around a lot and never said anything to each other.

Naturally, they cooked together, read together, and of course, slept together. It was obvious Caitlin was sick of watching them, but Megan didn't seem to care. It felt good to be together. Work wasn't such a chore from home. And she quite possibly smiled more than she had in the past year. 

"Do you think she's OK?" Cori asked sitting there on the bed cross-legged across from Megan looking her straight in the eye who mirrored his pose. Both in their fox pajamas.


Of course, they both laughed, but then his hands held the sides of her heart-shaped face. He was serious after all. Especially when he kissed her. And it about took her breath away. Yes, the kissing was something to get used too. She'd started out with the little kisses on his cheek, then his eyelids.. being playful, but it somehow advanced as the days passed. Although, he never kissed her unless they were alone. It was as if he knew it would annoy Caitlin.

"We're not torturing her, are we?" He winced a smile and she winced back a laugh.

"She goes out more," Megan shrugged. Cori nodded but said he didn't think Caitlin was seeing Melvin these days.

"She's got this friend Dylan. They work together. Maybe it's best, they hang out, you know," Megan sighed happily and took his hands in hers.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me?" Cori was serious. She shook her head, no. He shook his head as if they agreed not to talk about the thing that was troubling Caitlin the most.

"She does know," Cori looked down at Megan's small hands in his. "I do care about you."

Megan nodded. Maybe he wanted to talk about their sex life too, but it felt like a subject she'd locked away and lost the key. She didn't want too. What every discovery might come their way would be discovered together, not some ordeal of strange questions and answers.

She liked being a mystery to him. Was that so awful? She knew he'd find it sad. Maybe even make him mad. And to lose that now would be just silly..or worse.

Megan kissed him back then as if she did appreciate every little thing he did.


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