Thursday, March 4, 2021

some women fear the fire..some women become it

 "Oh My God!" Megan was so worried they wouldn't find Hope, but there she was sitting in the floor with her back against the wall near the Women's restroom at the Truckstop where she said she would be.

Megan threw her arms around her and gave her a warm hug, not even thinking of COVID.

"Are you all right?" Hope seemed sluggish to Megan. "We need to feed you right now."

"I just want to go home." Her sad eyes looked up at Megan as if there was a war going on that Megan didn't know about.

"First breakfast, OK." Megan looked at her wide-eyed and Hope only nodded.

She and Cori got Hope up and to the cafe area. Megan yawned. The trip was no picnic but they'd made good time, in spite of blowing snow and windchills. She hoped Cori's car made it back.

"How did you survive?" Megan looked Hope over. Not even a scratch.

"I don't know," Hope drew a breath. "I just kept walking."

"How many days did Kenny leave you?"

"I don't remember," Hope was sleepy-eyed but she did manage her orange juice. Then nursed on a milkshake.

"Bastard!" Megan seethed. But she kept her voice low. "I hate what he's done to you."

Hope nodded. Megan wondered if she was in love with him.

"I don't care if he ever knows I had this baby," Hope told her. In fact, she planned to keep it from him. She now thought he'd kidnapped his son all along. "He kept telling me it was all her fault, and then he didn't even believe me when I told him about the baby."

Megan shook her head. She told Hope she deserved better. Still, she could see how exhausted Cori was who drove the whole way.

"I'm going to drive us back. You two need a nap." It was settled. She'd get behind a truck and let it lead the way.


  1. I'm happy for Hope.Megan will help her , is a good friend.

  2. Yes, Hope deserved better. I hope Megan helps and it is nice how she is always willing to help.

  3. Meu Deus, que situação!
    Fiquei com pena da Hope!😘😘

  4. Pobre hope por lo menos ya esta con ellos. Te mando un beso

  5. I'm so glad that Hope was rescued! Despite seeming chill, she's tough; the title of this post, "some women fear the fire . . . some women become it" really captures her.


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