Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The heart of the matter

 LaLa was feeling glum again. Yes, a part of her wouldn't know how to go on without Roman. She knew it would hurt to lose him. After all, it was good that he knew how to handle her outburst. She knew she couldn't be that way around Mario.

She wouldn't have to be. Or so she kept telling herself, but then when she spotted him with a new woman at the grocery store..she just about lost it.

"This is Tegan," Mario introduced her to LaLa at the time. Of course, Tegan barely gave LaLa a look. Why would he be out with her?

"Have you met her?" LaLa texted Caitlin about it right away and Caitlin thought it was all good. It was nice to see her brother with someone. 

"I was beginning to wonder about him," Caitlin shot back in a text as if now she could cross that off her bucket list. Her brother had found someone.

LaLa didn't know how to respond. Why couldn't it be me, she thought. Did he even know she really existed? In his eyes, she was only his sister's friend. Why couldn't she be anything more?

Of course, at the grocery store, she kept questioning him if he was getting enough rest. Had he had his flu shot? At least she got a smile out of him.

"Are you mothering me?" His smile was open, but she couldn't smile back. She only shrugged wishing it could have been a real conversation instead of questions.

If only, she could find a way to ask him out. And if she did, would he even go. She was certain he wouldn't.

Oh, she had Roman who cooked for her and did everything she told him to do. Naturally, Caitlin told her from time to time that she needed to appreciate Roman more. But of course, Caitlin had no idea who she was really thinking of.

Yes, it was true Caitlin and her brother were so much alike. They didn't know anything about what she was going through.


  1. I hope they will eventually discover feelings for each other

  2. Interesting story. I read this with great delight. Please also read my new post:

  3. Is normal he has a little bit confussion, but if he feels the same...

  4. Vaya, siento mucha pena por Lala pero todo cambiará para bien, estoy segura ♥

    1. Wow, I feel very sorry for Lala but everything will change for the better, I'm sure ♥ Oh..but will she ever make a move?

  5. What a difficult situation for Lala! Hope tomorrow brings surprise.

  6. Uy pobre Lala, que pasara. Genial fragmento.

  7. Poor LaLa, but everything will get better

  8. Hmm. I did wonder if LaLa's and Roman's friends with benefits relationship would turn into something more. Is LaLa's infatuation with Mario just a catalyst for that? I like that LaLa can let her outbursts fly around Roman, and this part makes perfect sense: "Oh, she had Roman who cooked for her and did everything she told him to do. Naturally, Caitlin told her from time to time that she needed to appreciate Roman more." Roman seems like he might be the man for LaLa -- even if, as someone said in an earlier post, he's an airhead.

    Wearing Halloween costumes to work sounds fun. From what you've said about your coworkers, I bet they -- not to mention you! -- come up with lots of creative ones. On a related note, a plaid trench coat sounds killer; I hope you find one! I too love watching TV and movies just for the fashion. The world would be a very boring place without outfits. :)

  9. Sometimes ignoring someone you love works wonders than showering them with attention. Lala needs to be patient. 🤷


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