Tuesday, April 9, 2024

You don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up


Sunny wondered where she was when she awoke. It was a crazy feeling. Of course, Louie wasn't there. She was in Hart's bed. She rose on her elbows and looked around. Just like Louie said, Hart left everything. Books, posters even the music he liked. It was a bit cluttered, in fact.

She remembered that part when they got back to his place. Maybe she did have too much to drink. Not that Louie had played any drinking games with her. But he'd mentioned why he asked if she wanted to have his room. He didn't know what to do with his stuff.

She winced and got up to sit at the edge of the bed to find her shoes. Honestly, she wasn't sure what to do with his stuff either. And maybe she wasn't really in love with him, after all.

This was the hardest part to admit to herself. It felt like she'd faked it somehow. And she possibly was wrong about Louie too. Maybe he wasn't in love with Hart, either.

"I can't say I liked him in the beginning, but you know I got to know him," Louie told her. He said Hart like video games. "I think he had a thing for Black Sabbath."

Sunny didn't even know who that was. She slipped on her sneakers and stumbled around the room in the sunlight. Yes, there was some of his artwork on the walls. It looked a bit troubling. But it wasn't that big of a deal to her. She did not like silly unicorns and rainbows. She was much more of a neutral person. 

A knock came to the door. "I made breakfast. We need to get you home."

Of course, it was just toast and tea. It was what Hart liked for breakfast. She was too tired to say much. Maybe she needed to see Hart's room again. A sadness hung on. Maybe somewhere in his stuff was a way she could connect with him. Or was it closure that she wanted?

Afterward, Louie walked her back to Woo's. He lived so close. It felt kind of funny, but she wasn't thinking of Hart then. She kept mute. Sunny kept telling herself that it didn't matter. But of course, Louie was all talk with Woo.

He told her how it was still Hart's room and he thought Sunny might want to take a look.

"What will you do with his stuff?" Woo asked.

"I'll have to get rid of it, sooner or later." Louie was honest but then said. "Maybe Sunny could stay in his room. If..you know, you trust me." Louie sounded as if the rent was due and he'd been there for so long. It felt like home.

Woo looked to Sunny. Her eyes lit. She knew she could live in Hart's room. 


  1. https://sintrabloguecintia.blogspot.com/

  2. Really agile and swift story.
    Loved it

  3. I can empathize with the situation

  4. I liked the chapter and I want to know more, greetings

  5. Ooh interesting development! Is she going to? Will they?

  6. Bien Suny. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  7. Beautiful story!! I guess Hart has grown up and gone, everything comes to an end and we have to have skills to adapt to change!! I love the quick development in your stories Ellie❤️🌼🌻

    1. In Hart's case he was deported from Korea and his roommate doesn't know what to do with his stuff and Sunny isn't quite sure how she feels about Hart anymore. Thanks so much for your comment.

  8. Other amazing chapter!
    Like always *-*
    You know I love your stories!!!
    Thanks for sharing ♥

  9. hola
    me has dejado con ganas de más

  10. Fast-paced action and you leave the reader impatient... already curious about what will happen next :)

  11. I'm not one for neutral art on the wall. Better dark, then blend.
    Great chapter btw.
    The reader has the feeling he is there with the character in that room.

  12. I loved how Hart developed into a much better person. I found it both funny and wise.

  13. It's always interesting to hear from Sunny who's anything but:

    "Yes, there was some of his artwork on the walls. It looked a bit troubling. But it wasn't that big of a deal to her. She did not like silly unicorns and rainbows. She was much more of a neutral person."

    Still, even dark souls -- especially dark souls -- deserve a happy ending. So I'm happy that Sunny scored Hart's digs. 🦄🖤🌈

    Your comment about Frasier made me smile. Even though I didn't mention it in my post, it's definitely on my rerun playlist. 📺😁


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