Saturday, May 25, 2024

Here and back again

 He could finally see it. She wasn't like Liv at all. A light feeling in Nic kept him floating through the day. Oh, his smile was endless.

Not that he thought any less of Tristan's sister who was like family to him, it was just a relief that he wasn't seeing things, or was it the idea he might be a little crazy and even strange.

Seeing Felicity on those sleepovers was one thing, this was reality. They were in sync now. He knew what tooth paste she liked and her skin care rituals. She was very savvy with grocery shopping too. She knew the market and she knew how to bargain ever so sweetly. 

Nic was getting used to living in Seoul and he felt comfortable making a home with Felicity. It would truly go the distance even if they didn't agree on everything. There were still compromises. 

They did have their Sunday brunches with Woo and Liv on occasion. Of course, they couldn't get Sunny and Louie to join them.

"I don't know what they're doing," Liv looked a bit peeved about it, but Woo took it in stride.

"They're busy," Woo winced.

"Aren't we all," Felicity smiled. She was there for Liv too. They usually talked about mothers. And maybe Liv was coming around about her own.

"I  did send her flowers for Mother's Day," Liv shrugged it off. Nic was only listening in as Woo was sharing some info on a game he'd downloaded

"Yes, but she's worried about you. You have to let her hear from you."

"Not once a day," Liv sounded as if that would be too much. "She's got Tristan to worry about and now Kenny."

"Did she send you any photos of him?" Felicity wanted to know. Liv showed her all the pics her mother had sent of that elementary student they'd adopted. 

"His sister moved out, I mean, I guess she's his Aunt."

Nic wondered if he should ask Tristan. Of course, he wanted to call his friend and tell him that Felicity didn't look anything like Liv. He'd been wrong. Maybe they'd have a good laugh.


  1. Nic's journey of discovering the unique qualities of Felicity amidst the familiarity of Liv is beautifully portrayed. It's heartwarming to see the bonds of friendship and family intertwine, even amidst life's complexities. Looking forward to more delightful insights into their lives!

  2. Very interesting chapter, I wonder what will happen next?

  3. Familiarity is a beautiful thing

  4. Uy esas equivocaciones cuestan luego. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  5. It's very gratifying that Nick discovers that Felicity is nothing like Liv. Sometimes they hang out and Felicity talks to Liv about their mothers. Great that Liv sent flowers for Mother's Day too, but she doesn't want daily calls and her mother to worry about. I was impressed that Nick is afraid to tell his friends about Felicity lest they make fun of him. Another very interesting and meaningful post Ellie! Have a nice day!

  6. Other amazing chapter, thank you so much for share it with us!!!
    kisses ♥


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