Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Maybe this ain't gonna be As bad as you thought

 "I'm not going back," Hoyt had everything in his duffle bag that he brought to Simone's.

She was still in her nurse's scrubs. She put on the kettle. 

"I find it hard to believe that's everything," she stared at him. "What about that big fat computer of yours?"

"That's at Mom's." He shrugged and sat at her tiny dining table where they mostly ate deli sandwiches, but sometimes, she'd fry him bacon and eggs.

"What did she say?" Simone asked with curious eyes about his departure from Mona. Evidently, his mom had a talk with him too.

"Oh, you know," he shrugged again. When Simone came close enough he took her into his lap and he kissed her as if he didn't want to talk about it.

After a little while of affection, she broke away to make the herbal tea.

"Do you think I'm lazy?" Hoyt watched her pour the hot water over the squares of tea.

"Not at all." 

Simone shook her head, no. "What brought this on?"

"It's just," he pressed his lips tight. He hated to be full of guilt. He knew he was where he was supposed to be with Simone. "She..she just makes me think I'm wasting time."

"Now doesn't that sound like Mona, to you?" 

Simone looked at him as if he shouldn't be so sad.

"It's just-" He winced hard, and then a laugh gave way. "You're right?" He smiled at her. "Mona's just like my mom." He shook his head.

"Look, you are working for the City. I'm sure you'll find more opportunities, or not. I mean, you know a lot about lawns," she reminded him they were more than gaming partners now. 

"I bet I have enough saved up to buy a house." Simone smiled as if she could see the future.

"You wouldn't," Hoyt was practically in a pout.

"I can if I want to." 

Simone looked at him blankly.

"I want us to buy a house," he took her hand.

"Yeah, but I think we should get married before we even think about that."

She took a sip of her hot tea. He got up to see what was in the cupboard. Just bread. He could make toast. Damn, if he wasn't hungry for peanutbutter and toast.

"Maybe we shouldn't buy a house from my mom's company," Hoyt then said.

"Oh, you are a bad boy," Simone shook with laughter. "But you know, she might give us a deal."


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