Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Oh, don't you sit there lookin' at me while I'm lookin' at you because I don't know what you want me to do

 When her phone dinged a text, Vada was so sure it was Rico. She hadn't heard from him in days. 

"It's about time," she said while waiting in line at the self-checkout. She looked to find out it wasn't Rico, but some guy she wished she hadn't given him her number.

She swelled a frown. This was all the professor's fault that she worked with. He wanted her to show the new instructor around. He was a sculptor, but she didn't think he looked like an artist. More like a P.E. teacher. She sighed. 

Kevin asked her if she had time for coffee. "Who does he think I am?" She said under her breath. Of course, she looked at the time. The place was right around the corner from where she was shopping. She said she could be there in twenty or so minutes.

She hurried to get her items paid for, which were mainly makeup and nail polish. She stashed the bag in her tote and was on her way. Really, she didn't want to dress up for him or anything. She would not let him be even slightly interested in her. Vada just wanted to get this over with.

So she stomped her way into the coffee shop as if she would be bad luck. Of course, Kevin smiled with a chuckle.

"I apologize," he told her he hadn't meant to put her on the spot. "I just wanted to do this to tell Oden that we met up."

He asked what she'd like. She looked back at the menu at the counter and said she'd have a dragon flower lemonade. He brought back two.

"I can't have too much caffeine," he told her. "I drink way too much of it, and I guess it helps with my projects, but I'm trying to sleep more."

Vada looked at him as if she didn't care. No way would they even be friends. Yet, he was kind. Pretty cute too. 

"How good are you at fiction?" He wanted to know with a soft laugh.

"What?" She looked at him a little bug-eyed.

"Well, you know, let's get our story straight. We can say it was just some art places in the old market we went to," he shrugged. "I'm sure you're busy."

She sat up straight and took a taste of the summertime lemonade. "Not at all. I mean let's do this. I have a car."

"I can drive, I car, but..uh.." It was as if she'd caught him off guard. He smiled. "Sure, you drive. You know the city."

"Not really," she winced.

"Do you want me to drive?" He looked at her blankly.

She squinted harder. Vada found that she couldn't lie to this sweet guy, who looked more like a middle school teacher than an artist (but maybe she liked that about him). Finally, she told him the truth, she didn't really like having to drive unless she had to.


  1. hola
    a ver si me pongo las pilas con los capítulos que he estado unos días ausente

  2. Wooo
    Nice chapter! I want to know more!
    I hope you have better days soon and the things in work will be great soon, but I understand you because my work is SO bad.
    Thanks for your post
    Have a good day ♥

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Bien por Vada no es bueno mentir. Te mando un beso.

  5. Great chapter!! Have a nice day dear 😘

  6. They're both sweet. I like driving, even when I don't have to. Hugs!


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