Saturday, October 26, 2024

Wish you were here

 Carmen hurried as fast as she could to get to Pat and Kim's place. She could tell in Kim's worried voice that something had happened.

Of course, Kim was always hard to figure out. He did like to play dumb sometimes. Carmen had to wonder if he'd learned this from living with his wife so long or was he just that oblivious? At least the coffee was on when she got there.

"You weren't in class were you?" Pat said out of concern while Kim went to get the coffee poured.

"Everything is fine," Carmen nodded with a smile.

"I bet you want to get away from those boys," Pat swelled a frown. Carmen knew her disapproval of Justin and Randy. She'd listened to enough that Justin was just crazy to be a guardian of someone already in his twenties. Carmen was set to hear an earful about her horrible situation, but as Pat held her cup of steaming black coffee she spilled it about Liv having a baby.

Carmen looked to Kim who gave her a shrug with big eyes that he had no idea. She was certain he did, but she wouldn't go there. She was hear to listen. And of course, it was just the tip of the iceberg.

"And..and they've registered, or something like that," she fretted about their marriage.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Carmen winced.

" don't know!" Pat wailed. She said it was all moving so fast. "I haven't even met him."

"Oh, you did too," Kim knew. It might have been on Facetime, but the guy had been friendly. Even Carmen remembered.

"What kind of name is Woo, anyway?" Pat scowled.

"You're just trying to make trouble," Carmen sighed. "You have to think of the good, not the bad."

Carmen sipped her coffee. A part of Carmen felt she didn't even believe in what she said. It was true, she was her own worst enemy. There was a time, when Carmen thought she and Justin might be more than roommates, but lately, he didn't talk to her, unless he really had to. He seemed to be aloof, and she didn't like it. She wanted to stop thinking about it, but the more she listened to Pat's woes, she felt she needed to talk it out with Justin. Of course, she wasn't sure what that meant, other than she did like him. She liked him a lot. She squinted tears practically. Yes, she loved him, but she thought it might be too late to tell him.

Carmen sighed, trying to focus on Pat's problem with Liv.

"Remember, she called you. She hasn't left you in the dark completely, maybe you can see her when the baby is born," Carmen reached for Pat's hand.

"I bet she won't even name the baby after me," she sniffed tears.

"Why would she?" Kim's smile was slyly impish. "A name like Kim is much better."

Carmen couldn't help but let a giggle slip.


  1. I wonder what kind of name is Woo too...Kim sounds lovely.

  2. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  3. Sim, Kim é um nome melhor.
    Me identifiquei com Carmen tomando café.

  4. Very interesting 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  5. Ellie,
    When we want the presence of someone who is not by our side, it is good to direct our focus in another direction.
    Kisses and have a good week!!!


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