Saturday, March 1, 2025

Standing in the shadows of love

 It felt like the longest night ever. First there was the pancake supper. Obviously, it was a splendid idea for Daisy who loved pancakes. You would have thought it was a celebration. Chewy was moving in. Oh, the claps, the laughter, the things they would do. Of course, Chewy said a day trip to the amusement park was in order. Even the zoo.

"But first, Daisy girl, you need to learn a thing or two?" Chewy was all smiles as the pancakes and spam were finishing up. 

Immediately, Daisy gave him a glare. What was he talking about?

"Only good girls can go to places like that," Chewy said with a tilt of the head, which meant he was actually giving her the eye.

She sighed. Then smiled and gave him a nod as if she would be on her best behavior.

Later, after the dishes were done and it was time for bed, after someone was read far too many stories to be tucked in, Chai said, "Why are you putting her through this?"

"She needs it," Chewy said. 

Of course, he was making himself at home in Chai's room. It was a regular size bed. A good fit for him and Daisy, but Chewy was fluffing pillows for the sleep over. It gave Chai a pout. No way could two grown men sleep in a bed that small.

"Maybe, I should sleep on the couch," Chai shrugged.

"No you don't," Chewy snapped. "We need to both be here to keep her from coming in here."

Chai practically rolled his eyes at that. "Look, I've been with her since the beginning. Sometimes, she needs me, OK?" Chai festered a frown. Of course, it might have been the other way around. It was hard to say by now, but she was ..could he say it? He was almost in tears. "You can't just come in here, and take over."

"I'm not trying to take over," Chewy told him, he just wanted to help. "You need me, and you know it."

Chai squinted hard. "I'd rather have my bed. To myself."

"We can do this, you'll see. we'll be fine," he went on to say as if it might be a camping trip of some sort. But Chai didn't see it that way. Of course, he was tired. He just needed some peace, but Chewy just wouldn't shut up. 

Finally, he got in bed and turned away from him, and hoped for the best. 

All Chewy could talk about was how he had to be drunk before he ever had sex. It gave Chai a yawn. He guessed he had nothing to worry about. Before he knew it, he was in the best sleep ever. And it was such a lovely dream in color of fields of flowers.

But when he awoke, Chewy wasn't even there. Chai got up to see what was the matter. There Chewy was on the couch with Daisy sleeping on his chest.

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