Friday, May 21, 2021

I am letting go of today's stress

 "What are you doing here?" Caitlin was surprised to see Hope at the little park near the building where she worked. "Are you lost?" She smiled then, thinking she'd seen Hope at Roman's that night with Kyle, but she hadn't connected that night. She'd been more curious about Bren and she'd met LaLa. 

"Oh, no." Hope put on her best smile. It was warm, but windy. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail. "I had some things to do." She sighed and finally confessed that she'd been talking with a case worker and was in the works to find her own place.

"What are you talking about?" Caitlin bit a sun grin thinking they should get something to drink and actually talk, but instead they found a park bench. "Aren't you at Meg's?"

"I'm moving out," she told her. In order to go back to the University and be on her own, she needed to do this. "I filed some paperwork." The place she was going was close to campus and there would be free daycare, some of the time.

"But aren't you at the yoga studio?" Caitlin thought she'd heard Megan speak of it. As it was, Caitlin hadn't even spoken to Hope since she got back. She regretted not reaching out to her sooner.

"It's not full-time. I dunno if they really need me," she shrugged. Hope sounded down, but not completely pessimistic. "I  like having roommates, but it's not fair to bring in a baby, you know."

"I bet they could get used to it," Caitlin didn't know why she was doing this.

"Well, it's the right thing," Hope told her. "If I'm going to get assistance then I have to have my own place. I mean, I don't like it. I hate being this dependent. But I can't get insurance where I work." She mentioned she'd changed to a new clinic and had to get blood work done all over again. 

Caitlin could hardly imagine what she was going through.

"I can barely pay off my credit card from seeing that other doctor, when I got here," Hope told her.

Caitlin felt practically horrified for Hope now. 

"Look, I was wondering if you knew of anyone who might find some information for me," Hope asked. Caitlin's eyes grew more intense as Hope handed over an envelope. There was a picture of Hope and some guy and his name was on the envelope. "I just want to know where he is."

Caitlin nodded. She suspected it was the father of her baby. "I know someone." She'd tackle this request. Caitlin didn't dare ask her about Kyle.


  1. You write very well. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Uy las cosas se complican te mando un beso

  3. I do feel bad for Hope, but I think she's on the right path.

  4. I hope that cute baby get both mom and dad, when comes to world. Hope deserves a good family.

  5. I hope Hope is able to get help and baby has both mom and dad in their life.

  6. Situação difícil pra Hope,
    não é fácil atravessar uma gravidez sozinha.


  7. Whoa. Hope is in some dire straits. Thinking about her situation reminds me that there are real women like her out there and to never complain about anything ever again! The part where Caitlin offers to find Hope's ex is interesting. Caitlin's full of surprises!

  8. Hmmm...Hope ♥
    I love the title.


  9. Things are hard for Hope but where there is a will, there is a way.


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