Thursday, June 10, 2021

The only way out is through


Frankie knew letting it go was easier said than done. Of course, he hadn't really talked to anyone. There had been text of someone new from the dating app. He really wasn't sure how much he should tell her, yet getting Heather's text was like getting a ray of sunshine.

Perhaps that's what propelled him to look into this whole Melvin thing at work. Why hadn't he thought of it before? After all, Melvin was somewhere in this hospital. It was about time to get to the bottom of this.

As it was Megan and Cori and the others had stayed away from the hospital. It was for the ill COVID, wasn't it?

"Well, don't you want to know?" He'd asked Megan that day when he came with the crib to Hope's.

"What's there to know?" Megan sounded as if she wished he would drop it. "No news is good news."

"Are you sure about that?" Frankie winced hard. He didn't know where she was coming from. Wasn't this crazy? Didn't they care what was going on with him?

Granted, Frankie didn't really like the guy. He could have been some drug dealer for all he knew. Especially, listening to Megan talk about him. How could Cori work for a guy like that? Was Melvin just a bum in disguise?

He wanted to text Heather about this, but she was new and it was true he couldn't bring up the past like this so suddenly. No, they talked of music and movies and other sweet things, like coffee. They could have gone on for hours with this nonsense. Somehow, it made the day better.

Finally, he got down to the ICU floor. No one was even wearing masks, but a few. He asked at the desk about Melvin. Of course, the nurse looked at him funny. She'd never heard of him.

"What?" Now Frankie thought he'd needed to have done more homework. He could have found a way into the database in his own cubical.  He pushed his long dark strands behind one ear and then the other. This was a serious matter.

The nurse only sighed and said she'd look a little further into the names. She said there were a lot of names. And then he noticed the grim look on her face. "I'm sorry he's no longer here."


  1. Ellie, thanks for your kind words. Glad to be back :-D

  2. Hola!! este de mis capítulos favoritos

  3. Hola, muy interesante el capítulo.
    Besos desde Promesas de Amor, nos leemos.

  4. Uy se quedo muy interesante te mando un beso

  5. Jestem ciekawa co się z nim stało

  6. Whoa! What an explosive chapter in terms of the mysterious Melvin! Will Frankie be Hope's knight in shining armor? Or is he destined to fall in love with new flame Heather? You so perfectly capture the delicate joy of being with someone new while feeling unable to show all your scars: "He wanted to text Heather about this, but she was new and it was true he couldn't bring up the past like this so suddenly. No, they talked of music and movies and other sweet things, like coffee. They could have gone on for hours with this nonsense. Somehow, it made the day better." I'm also loving this collage, especially the adorable pink and black twinset and Harry Styles peeking out from the bottom, LOL. :)

  7. Ay yai I can't believe it! Melvin disappeared from the hospital? What is he up to?


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