Friday, June 23, 2023

Took our broken hearts, put them in a drawer

 Mona couldn't say how long she'd been here. She was too tired to think. Of course, she'd made herself sick in the process because she didn't care about anything anymore. She knew Nic wasn't coming back.

Still, she had fits of energy. She'd even jumped on the bed with so much anger. Yes, maybe she was just an animal. She was certain she could rip anyone apart who approached her. Maybe that's why she stayed in bed.

It was her island. This was her world from now on. Oh, there were bouts of looking at photos of Nic on the phone. If only they'd been in more pics together. Of course, she always managed to angle those shots to show her best side when they did take a selfie. 

Yes, she knew she wasn't at her best at the moment. She was so mad. Mad at Tristan as if this was his own doing. She would have loved to have choked him to death if given a chance. But she'd stayed in bed thinking she shouldn't hurt anyone. She didn't want to end up in prison, after all, she'd made her own...right here.

Why had Nic done this to her? Everything felt as if it were falling into place. Of course, she knew she'd nagged him along the way, but wasn't that her job? Why couldn't she have been happy with the way things were? Why had she gone and messed with it, like she did?

She nursed her dry lips now. She was a goner with a swelled face from tears, a sore throat and an achy stomach that just needed real food. She could only last on last year's Halloween candy for so long. And it wasn't even hers. Something Nic had left behind like crumbs for survival.

She shook her head, what was he thinking right now? What was he doing? Did he think of her at all? He was supposed to be her everything. And then he upped and left? She sighed wondering who was the greedy one? Was it her? Or was it him?

There went the banging on the door again. Mona did her best to get up and stand straight, but her legs buckled and she fell to the floor. Just then she heard a voice.

"Jesus, Mona! How could you?" It wasn't who she thought it would be. Yes, she thought Tristan might give in.

He picked her up and carried her out while the others raced in as if they might be with security. Her mother brought her water and a protein shake. They laid her on the bed in Tristan's room, but it wasn't his bedding. It looked like something his girlfriend would have instigated. Mona bet she was behind all of this.

"I'm worried about you," she thought she heard her mom say. Mona lifted her head and drank the water. Mona managed to give her a nod. Her mom handed the bottled shake to her, but Mona pushed it away. 

"I want a real milkshake, and a burger with fries." Mona's frown was small. Naturally, they both looked up at Hoyt who said he'd be right back.

After he left, Mona sighed as she lifted herself up on her elbows. "Why would you bring him here?" She winced with disgust.

"Because he's always asking about you," her mother told her. "He hasn't gotten over you, you know."

Mona closed her eyes and sighed. That was so long ago, she thought. How far did they go back? There was a time they had sleepovers when they were only six. They'd been inseparable back then. Of course, he always said she was his first love. Who believed in rot like that? 

He could be so annoying. But of course, he was always the type who would do whatever she wanted him to do. And he'd even left when she told him to get out of her face back in their sophomore year of high school. She thought he went to Colorado. Wasn't Hoyt going to be a Forest Ranger or something?

"Why is he back?" Mona hated to ask.

"Oh, he never really left," her mother said. "He's been going to Metro and has a lawn business on the side. He works for his mom, she has a bunch of rental properties."

"Um," Mona nodded as if he really was a Momma's Boy, after all. Just what she needed.

Soon Hoyt appeared with the burgers. He got an assortment of shakes, fries, and even onion rings. She didn't care to say anything to him, but ate like she'd just returned from the wild.


  1. Ooh Mona's perspective. I'm glad she got some real food. As problematic as Mona is, it's fascinating to read her side. Kinda like Caitlin? Maybe she's prickly but also interesting to read about...

    "she'd made her own" Wow

    Ramen! Fanta!!!

  2. Me gusta a pesar de todo Mona es un gran personaje. Y me dio hambre todo lo que comiΓ³. Te mando un beso.

  3. Breakups are hard, and Mona is proof. I love this part, with the wordplay about the Halloween candy:

    "She nursed her dry lips now. She was a goner with a swelled face from tears, a sore throat and an achy stomach that just needed real food. She could only last on last year's Halloween candy for so long. And it wasn't even hers. Something Nic had left behind like crumbs for survival."

    And what I love even more is that it's Hoyt who brings Mona that burger and fries. It's the perfect foil for Nic's stale candy crumbs. Puppy-dog-loyal Hoyt seems like the kind of guy Mona's looking for, whether she admits it or not. We shall see! πŸŽƒπŸ”πŸ¬πŸŸπŸ­πŸ₯€πŸ«

    The kitty drawers in the collage are super cute! πŸ˜»πŸ’™πŸŽ€


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