Saturday, August 8, 2020

it's like this

 "Cori? Is that a guy or a girl?" Caitlin wanted to know.

Megan studied the text. She'd find out soon enough. She went to Google on her laptop. Caitlin followed her to make sure she did it right.

Megan sighed thinking they should both be snoozing now instead of worried about a would-be roommate. Naturally, Caitlin reminded her about the previous male roomie. Of course, neither lived here at the time. He'd messed up the bathroom sink and tub with his hair being everywhere. 

Megan dug deeper in whatever showed up on Google. At least she knew HE wasn't in trouble with the law. Still, it was kind of hard to know exactly what he might look like. So many Cories out there. Evidently.

"We will find out tomorrow," she said they should get some sleep. He couldn't make it for an interview until afternoon. "That gives us plenty of time to clean up the place."

"That doesn't mean our rooms, does it?" Caitlin swelled a frown.

"Of course not," Megan winced back thinking her room didn't look that bad, did it? Maybe it did. She had the wall lined with shoe boxes from previous chapters of her life. On the one hand, it was neat, but a little sad about how she kept things.

She got up and thought she'd do the dishes now. It was best to get a handle on the kitchen before he got here. After all, their living space was an open book. "Take care of the beer cans, will you?" She told Caitlin she didn't want him thinking she was an alcoholic.

"It's just beer?" Caitlin yelped. Megan hadn't meant to hurt her flatmate's feelings, but it was no time to argue.

"Just do something," Megan didn't want to get into Caitlin's life. After all, Megan had her own little secrets too. She thought it was better if they didn't know everything about each other, but Cori..that was a different story.

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