Friday, October 23, 2020

I'm with the band


Cori was a little shakey thinking he was so wrong to be here. Especially with Tommy.

The basement was a little dank and spooky but the florescent lights worked after a spell of blinking before the energy surged. Cori didn't even know what to play. He did something simple and then played all his favorite solo stuff he'd watched on YouTube. 

"I knew you could do it," Tommy told him he was glad Melvin got him on board.

"This isn't going to be a big deal, is it?" Cori winced thinking he didn't want to live out of a bus and do midnight shows for the rest of his life.

"No," Tommy shrugged. "With COVID around concerts are practically a thing of the past. I just needed something to do." He said he worked for SPRINT and needed some downtime. This little gig might get them more gigs, but it wouldn't be anytime soon.

Cori nodded as if he liked Tommy's thinking. He was positive and so serious about music which Melvin wasn't. 

Cori sighed thinking how Melvin spent the night, but he wasn't sure Caitlin was any happier with him. It hurt to think they had to get drunk to be together. Although, he wouldn't dare speak of it. After all, he'd had a drunken night with Megan, but it felt as if things were all the better with her now. Caitlin was even poutier now. He sort of wished she'd left things alone with Melvin. She seemed quite happy being with Dylan. 

So they played a few Sex Pistol songs as if they would be ready for when Melvin showed up.

"I really wished we'd played more together," Tommy said later after they'd played enough songs to last a whole show. But Cori had a feeling Tommy was saying this as if he wished they didn't have to count on Melvin for anything.  Cori gave him a nod. 

Just then a girl showed up with a keyboard on her back. Cori blinked. It was as if the scariest being showed up, and he didn't want to have anything to do with her.


  1. I loved the post title name hehe :)
    Have you heard of the book of the same name?
    And yes Sex Pistol is really cool and crazy!

  2. Lovely! wonderful characters and a gripping plot.
    Let's see what happens next! 😁

  3. Uy dios, esperó que no sea lo que cre. Buen fragmento, esperó la continuación . Te mando un beso

  4. The ending of the chapter is nicely dramatic.


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