Monday, October 5, 2020

my own Siberia

 Megan was sure of it. No way could she move from the couch. The heartshaped pink pillow she was  holding as she laid there might as well have been a boulder. She was that exhausted.

"Where's the cheesecake?" Caitlin asked who was digging through the fridge. Cori went on to work. 

Megan's eyes were half closed when Caitlin asked. "We ate it," Megan said without thinking. "I guess." She didn't know what happened to it. She yawned as Caitlin plopped down on the couch with a can of soda. She sipped in silence and wasn't anymore energetic than Megan.

"Oh, God..he's so...

"Harry. Harry Styles," Megan teased imaging Caitlin was now someone's full-fledged lover.

"No..just hairy," she told Megan with a grimace. "Hair on his back. Hair in places I don't even want to think about."

"Well," Megan looked away pondering if there was any wisdom to give her friend. "Nobody is perfect."

Caitlin only sighed. Truly there was no comfort in hearing that, Megan knew, but she thought Caitlin overthought a lot.

"So, did you figure out this whole ex thing with Cori?" Caitlin looked at her as if she might be smiling but Megan knew that wasn't her real smile.

"Oh, I dunno." Megan hugged the pink pillow harder thinking the whole night was rather foolish. "She might be imaginary."

"Imaginary?" Caitlin's smile was more teasing now.

"Who knows, but I think I got rid of her." Megan shrugged. She knew she was just stupid but Cori didn't really notice last night.

"Well, then..if..if he's sleeping with you lets rent that room out," Caitlin went back to her drink and opened the bottle of nuts on the coffee table.

Megan set up then. "No, we can't. It wouldn't be right. If she comes back, she might have to live there."

"But..but you said she's imaginary." Caitlin reminded her.

"Don't say that. Don't say anything to Cori. Just don't mention anything about his ex." Megan told her they needed to let this rest.

"So what did you two do last night?" Caitlin asked as she was crunching on cashews and almonds.

"Dunno for sure," Megan was straight lipped. "I am pretty sure we didn't." She winced.

"What?" Caitlin squinted back.


Caitlin gagged on the nuts but managed them down. She cleared her throat.

"Look, I hope you were using protection," Caitlin stood over her then as if she needed a sex-ed lecture.

Megan looked up at her as if Caitlin had to be kidding.

"It only takes one time," Caitlin told her.

Megan closed her eyes. She didn't want to think about this. She was sure nothing happened. Her mind drew a blank. She'd slept like a log and this log was ready to go back to sleep.


  1. How can she be sure nothing happened? I think Megan is up for a surprise.

  2. Ugh! I think Megan is going to wind up with a surprise.


  3. Uy veamos que pasa con Megan y Cori ojala terminen como pareja. Te mando un beso

  4. Estou a seguir o seu blog e a apreciar muito a sua escrita. ( #46, apareço sem foto não sei porquê)


    Coisas de Feltro

  5. OMG, did she forget everything? I hope that if she remembers something, she doesn't feel bad

  6. Well written, universal subject :-)


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