Monday, May 3, 2021

treading lightly

 Deano wasn't sure how any of this was going to go down tonight. Especially, when he saw Bren move toward Caitlin as they were eating dinner, but somehow, LaLa cut her off. She was happy to see Caitlin and asked about her internship. She was all smiles. Suddenly, it was as if Caitlin had a new friend. 

Deano couldn't believe it. He left them a bit and chatted with Roman who looked a bit low. "Hey Bro, you really made an awesome meal," Deano smiled and gave him a pat on the back. "I feel that I owe you."

"Owe me? Are you kidding me," He winced with a smile and gave Deano a pat on the back. "You and me, we go back so far I can't even remember when we exactly met." His body shook with laughter and Deano laughed too. 

"Are you really OK, man?"

"Yeah, maybe." He nodded and told him about Kyle bringing his pregnant girlfriend. "God, I had no idea." He shook his head, no. "Why didn't he tell me?"

"They look happy," Deano nodded. Caitlin hadn't said a word to the two of them, but maybe a hello to Kyle. Evidently, she didn't know either. And now she was still talking to LaLa like she was her best friend.

"Yeah, they did. Really happy," Roman shook his head. "God I wish I was like that with someone."

Deano nodded, trying his best not to look too happy with Caitlin, but he actually was.

"Well..the thing just don't know how long it might last so you just keep being happy..not thinking, it won't go away," Deano wasn't sure that was the best method, but it felt right to him. He got another beer for Roman. It was from the twelve-pack he brought. He knew it was Roman's favorite, Pap's Blue Ribbon.

Roman was quiet and drank at the beer. Deano sipped at his.

"You hang on to this, have some for the weekend," Deano reached for the box of beer. Roman laughed at him. "Ain't none of that going to waste, brother."

"So? You're friends with Bren's Brad?" Deano wanted to know.

Roman nodded. "I guess." He winced as if maybe Brad was a jerk, too. "We go way back. He knows I wouldn't mess with his woman." The next thing Deano knew Roman came close to his ear and said in a whisper. "She's already tried to get me to have sex with her. Seems she thinks it might help her have the baby sooner."

"Oh." Deano nodded. He wouldn't put anything past Bren. "Well, you be careful."

"I know," Roman said in a low voice. Deano kept smiling. He really wished something good would happen to his friend Roman. He didn't think Levi Chandler was ever coming back from Isreal. 


  1. Deano es muy dulce y buen amigo. Geanial entrada,

  2. Great episode, anything is possible in life ;-)

  3. Hola!! amé este relato, lo guardo

  4. I loved the chapter

  5. Trzeba brać szczęście garściami, póki jest ;D

    1. You have to be lucky with handfuls while it's ;D

  6. Roman seems to be making new friends. I hope he knows what he is doing.

  7. I like this heart-to-heart between Roman and Deano. Deano always seems like such a good guy, trying to help people sort their stuff out. Beautiful fan in the collage!

  8. I really enjoyed this chapter! I like how they seemingly comb through his life.
    Nicely done!


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