Wednesday, December 1, 2021

waiting for the exit


LaLa couldn't quite figure out if these were the best or the worst of times. She was in a quartine with Paul.

Yeap, it had been a one-night stand. Honestly, he was the last person she ever expected to be with, but then again he was an intern in the emergency room. So she guessed he was right. He was around the virus a lot.

Of course, it wasn't so bad for him. He did feel tired and achy. Even a bout of diarrhea in the beginning. But her fever wouldn't go away and she'd been spitting up blood. Honestly, she knew now how it must have felt to survive in a third-world country (apparently where her mother was from). Although, she might have just dreamed the whole nightmare.

Now, she hardly knew what had happened that night they got together. Of course, he hadn't mentioned it either. It was just so freaking strange. Her whole life felt as if it was drifting away. She spent a lot of it in bed and spaced out. Thank god, one of them knew what was going on, and it wasn't her.

"You need to stay hydrated," Paul had said.

She would only nod and forget to drink any of the water bottles he brought to her. He would look at her from time to time, thinking what to say. But he'd always hand her a water bottle or some hot mint tea. 

Naturally, it was only ten days of being alone with him (and they were in the middle of it). But she didn't ask much of him. Not like she would of Roman if he were here. Oh, she'd have him cleaning and cooking. It would have been so different. Yet she wasn't home. But she kept to herself staring into space wondering where this was all going.

Maybe when it was over, Paul wouldn't say another word to her. Yes, she felt lucky to know him, but these were such strange circumstances.

"Everything will be back to normal before you know it," he told her.

"Yeah, I'm afraid of that." She pressed her lips tight, thinking how useless her life really was. Mario was only a daydream and Roman might as well be a nightmare. 

"Oh, you're so funny," Paul grinned. "Maybe next time will be better."

"Next time?" She didn't know what he was getting at. She was in his old graphic tee and boxers. At the moment, she couldn't smell nor taste anything.

"You know," he smirked. "Let's not drink so much the next time we sleep together."

She was already in his bed. LaLa wiggled a smile. Seriously, she was too tired to even think about it.


  1. I hope everything be back normal for her

  2. Hope everything goes back to normal soon

  3. Me gusta mucho la dinámica entre LaLa y Paul, se nota que tienen mucha confianza y amistad ♥♥♥

  4. Uy es pareja muy dulce y amistosa. Te mando un beso

  5. Poor Lala, I hope she feels better soon. This guy doesn't sound bad. Not a bad person to get stuck in quarantine with.

  6. Torcendo por estes dois.
    Lala parece bem desnorteada...

    De Outro Mundo

  7. Poor Lala! At least it sounds like she's going to pull through. Your writing here is so beautiful: "She pressed her lips tight, thinking how useless her life really was. Mario was only a daydream and Roman might as well be a nightmare." Does this mean that Paul is her reality? I guess only time will tell . . .

    Thanks for including my cherries again and also my ladybug bag! It was such a treat to see that little face next to the cinnamon buns! You're the collage queen!! :)

  8. I love the way the story meandered along the characters thoughts.


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