Monday, November 21, 2022

Are you happy now?

 "OK, so he's not that much to look at," Ali sighed as she paced about. Oh, she didn't know what she was saying about Diago, but she just had to say it. Especially, before Liv said it. Of course, Liv looked like a leaf that was just laying there all by its lonesome on the ground. Except she was sitting at the back booth with Ali at the pizza place. She was playing with the straw in her drink cup.

"Just because-" She started to say something about Diago.

"I know. I know. It's just I never thought I could you know, fall for someone like Diago," Ali winced as if she was disgusted with herself. Yes, she was HER now even if not everything was totally her. At least in her mind, she was. But yes, there were some physical aspects that ..well, it was not to be discussed with Liv because she/he didn't want to freak her out. But then maybe HE did.

Ali shook the thought. Not even He/She could always honestly think of the true pronouns. Ali gritted a smile.

"So how's it going with Rico?" Ali's frown was small but she knew it was polite to ask as she plopped down in the booth across from Liv. And she knew the answer to the question too.

"Fine." Liv was so blah. Oh, Ali wanted to shake her or something.

"Where will you have Thanksgiving?"

"Rico's Dad is doing a big dinner, my parents are coming." She nodded.

"What about your brother?" Ali had to ask. Yes, her problems were with her big brother.

"He won't be there," she pulled a lock of hair behind her ear and stretched her neck just a bit as if Ali should not have asked.

"It's just me and my mom, you know." Ali shrugged about Thanksgiving as if it was not that big of a deal. Especially, when it was Lean Cuisine and a pumpkin pie from the deli.

"Well, aren't you inviting Diago over?" Liv looked at Ali as if she was instantly sad for Ali.

"No." This cracked him up. He or even She was not ready for such a thing.

Out of nowhere then, Diago showed up. "You're coming to my house for Thanksgiving. I promised my mom."

Ali looked at him wide-eyed. It sounded so foreign. Ali didn't know what to say.


  1. Passei para desejar uma semana feliz!
    Espero por ti em:

  2. Tengo ganas de saber si ira o no a la cena. Besos

  3. Oh wow! Surprise! And thank goodness, because Lean Cuisine and pumpkin pie from the deli? that's no way for Ali to spend Thanksgiving! Although I hope her (?) mom doesn't have to have Lean Cuisine. Maybe the mom can go too.

    I had to smile at Ali's not even being sure of her(?) pronouns... :)

  4. That's so nice that Diago invited Ali to Thanksgiving dinner. You know how I feel about Lean Cuisine! Although I would never say no to pumpkin pie (in this neck of the woods, the Tastykake snack ones are the best!). Also, it's funny when Ali says (well, thinks) that Liv is blah.

    This collage is very cool! I love the rainbows woven in with the autumn colors and also Ali's hair. πŸŽ€πŸŒˆπŸ

  5. I loved the chapter

  6. Uy pobre Ali ¿ que harΓ‘? Te mando un beso


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