Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Letting the days go by


Megan finally found her way to Caitlin's. After all, they lived in the burbs now. Thankfully, Cori had time to go with her and of course, they brought Cora too. She'd let Cora entertain them. After all, Megan knew her grandmother needed some time alone, and yet Gram Vera always wanted to be with Cora who loved both of Megan's grandparents. 

They brought pizza. "Oh, I've missed this so much," Caitlin looked at the pepperoni but went for the veggie and then the cheese.

"You have not changed," Megan told her.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Caitlin smirked. "I'm still fat?"

Megan only smiled with a chuckle.

"You look perfect," Caitlin said pointing to Megan's baby bump. 

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to enjoy these last couple of months. You know, not having to worry about anything else." Megan told her.

"I know. I hope you are doing OK." Caitlin looked complete in her sweatpants and sweater. Baby Hannah was sleeping in her crib. They both watched her for the longest time. It felt like decades ago that they were once roommates. Back when neither were certain they would ever find love and of course, marriage was not in their vocabulary then.

Megan told her everything was right on schedule as she held her baby bump which instantly gave her a kick. She would have the baby around Christmas.

Caitlin laughed. "Welcome to my world!" She then told her it felt as if she was just pregnant. Where did the time go?

Megan agreed. It felt as if time was moving too quickly. "I don't think I'm ready." Although, the nursery was ready. Still, it felt like a dream somehow. They were having a boy. She was counting the days hoping all went well.

"Cool," Caitlin smiled as she took another slice of pizza while the guys were out in the basement discussing how Deano could have a better man cave. 


  1. Aspettiamo la nascita del bambino di Megan allora.

    1. We wait for the birth of Megan's baby then.πŸ’•πŸŒΈπŸ’—Thanks!

  2. Siempre me gusto Deano. Te mando un beso. https://enamoradadelasletras.blogspot.com/

  3. It's so good to see Caitlin and Megan together again! Now that they're wives and mothers (well, a mother-to-be in Megan's case), it's funny to think of all the drama they used to go through. It's also kind of poignant.πŸŒΈπŸ’πŸŒ·


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