Friday, February 3, 2023

just another late night


Deano didn't really want to make an issue about it, but he just couldn't help it. After all, he always let Caitlin have her way. She didn't even have to do the laundry or the dishes. He was always busy at home with housework and the baby.

"You need to see Megan," he told her just as the tea cup hit the bottom of the sink and made a harsh clank.

"Why?" She was on her phone, of course.

"Because, she asks about you all the time, why haven't you seen the baby?" He looked back at her as if she was just being snooty.

"Well, stop going over there," she practically snapped.

"I..I don't know what has gotten in to you, they are our best friends," he didn't mean to fume about it, but she knew how to hit a nerve.

"Oh, everybody is your best friend." She told him, then put her phone away when the baby started crying. At least she was holding the baby. He didn't think she was going through something after all this time, but he couldn't be certain of it. They were supposed to be in this together, raising Hannah, but sometimes he wondered if Caitlin was mad at him or the baby.

Deano went on with the dishes. The dishwasher was already going, he wanted to get the leftovers done and ready for the morning.

"What is your problem," Deano still wanted to know after the last cup was in the drain. "Why are you mad at Megan?"

"I'm not mad at Megan. It wasn't like she came over as soon as Hannah was born, now did she?" Caitlin gave him a look.

"I can't believe you'd be so..."

"What?" She swelled a frown and handed him off Hannah after his hands were dried. "You're just afraid I'll bring up Melvin, isn't it? You don't want me to go."

Deano practically rolled his eyes at that. It made his eyes hurt.

"You have to stop being a detective when you are clearly not one. You just have these hunches," Deano reminded her that she was all talk, and they did not need to bring up Melvin from the pizza place. 

"Well, why did they even name that baby Melvin?" She hugged herself and went to plug in the kettle. He watched. Just what he needed more dishes to wash.

"Because, Cori thought a lot of him. I mean, he gave Cori the pizzeria." He almost said DUH, but didn't want to start anything.

She kept her mouth shut as she went to make herself some decaff instant coffee. Of course, she poured enough milk in it to make it a latte.

Deano gritted a smile. He was saving that milk for his cereal tomorrow. He guessed they would have to have eggs after all and he wasn't sure there were enough.


  1. Loved the chapter. They're going to have to go to market sooner than they think.

  2. Oh, the little things do mean a lot. Hopefully, it's not the breaking point.

  3. Poor Deano... she's pushing all his buttons at the moment (intentionally or not). It is the little things. Hopefully thy can move beyond this little snafu...

  4. Uy pobre Deano. Genial fragmento Te mando un beso.

  5. Poor Deano, but other amazing chapter
    Have a nice week and thanks for sharing your incredible stories
    Kisses ♥

  6. Ah yes, Baby Melvin! I'd almost forgotten about Caitlin's sleuthing ambitions. Still, I didn't think that's why she was steering clear of Megan. That's very, very interesting. As for Deano, poor guy. He's a mensch!

    Thanks for your comments on my book club post; I knew you'd say something insightful! In a way, I know what you mean about it being easier to open up to strangers. I must think that too, at least on some level, as I'm always spilling my guts here in cyberspace. 😀📚😏📕😁


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