Friday, April 19, 2024

'Cause I don't know what else I can do

 "Why did you do that?" Louie winced at Chewy (about being set up with Sunny at the bar) who was getting Louie a fresh pour over coffee at the coffee shop before Sunny arrived.

"Well, I might be waiting another couple of years before you make a move," Chewy shrugged back so sleepily. He'd been up all night with some girl, but they were only texting.

"I talked to her brother," Louie nodded.

"Her uncle," Chewy clarified as he handed over the hot cup of coffee.

"OK, her uncle," Louie sounded as if he might never get it straight. After all, he was on his way to the Senior Daycare. "I told him about Hart's room." He pressed his lips evenly in thought. "Did I make the right move?"

Of course, he had to go back to Chewy's way of doing things, talking about the blind date with Sunny.

"You know, I never go there."

"Like I'm going to give you a bad reputation," Chewy laughed. "I think she likes you."

"Yeah, right," Louie said he felt like he was walking on eggshells around Sunny.

"Oh, she's like a little wren, but she won't break either," Chewy told him he didn't think Sunny was going anywhere. She'd lived in her home since birth. But he thought it was kind of cool that her Uncle would leave her that option. Still, he could see her living in that room of hers well into her forties.

"You'd actually let her move out?" Liv glared at Woo who was sipping his coffee while Sunny was in the shower.

"If she wants to." 

He pointed out that Liv's family let her come all the way to Seoul. Sunny was as if not a little bit older than Liv (even if she didn't look it). "It's her choice."

"Does her mother even know?" Now Liv sounded like the moma bird with her sound of reason. She might have still been in her sleep pants and nightshirt, but she still had a way of keeping the household in check.

"Liv," Woo squinted. "She'll be in Hart's room."

"Oh, and she's just waiting for  him to come back, is that it?" Liv practically snapped as she put the plate of bacon and eggs in front of him.

"I don't know if she really feels that way about him," Woo shrugged.


"Maybe she likes this Louie," Woo knew not to smile about it, but it was a strange happening. 

"How could she?" Liv scowled. She reminded him that Sunny hadn't had one nice thing to say about him.

"But he's got her curious." 

Woo nodded. Perhaps Sunny needed to find out more about Hart. Of course, he remembered that 'closure' might be looming too.


  1. A lot of things in life are very complicated. We humans also sometimes make things more difficult for ourselves

  2. Really. The exciment of facing hard times, is the juice of life.

  3. Good story -Christine

  4. hola
    he agradecido que el capítulo sea un poco más largo que otros que has subido, ahora toca esperar a ver que pasa

    1. Hello
      I have appreciated that the chapter is a little longer than others that you have uploaded, now we have to wait and see what happens🌸💕🐾🌈Thanks!

  5. Grazie per questo momento di relax, di piacevole lettura, un abbraccio🌸🌸🌸

    1. Thank you for this moment of relaxation, of pleasant reading, a hug🌸🌸🌸

      thanks so much!

  6. Uy las cosas se complican. Te mando un beso.

  7. Sometimes we have to make decisions and take risks.. otherwise we will only make mistakes if we do nothing, but that is not life! Very nice chapter Ellie!

  8. Muy bueno el capitulo, me encanta que sea más largo ^^

  9. Gostei de ler.
    Bom fim de semana!

  10. Curiosity may be just the spark she needs.


  11. In their own way they needed each other.

  12. Maybe she IS curious about Louie. I think she is honestly...

    Yumm breakfast!

  13. I always enjoy when you show us two sides of the story. What Woo says about Sunny is especially interesting:

    ' "Maybe she likes this Louie," Woo knew not to smile about it, but it was a strange happening."

    At the very least, he's not obsessing like Liv! I do wonder how this will turn out . . . 🤔🌈💜🍧🤔🌈💜🍧


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