Saturday, April 27, 2024

I wish you'd come back

 "OH MY GOD!" Ali was thrilled when she saw Liv's face on the phone screen. "I can't believe I finally I got you!" Still, she could see Liv wasn't that happy that she'd answered the call.

Ali did her best to keep upbeat. It was no big thing or so she kept telling herself.  Sure, Liv was apologetic. It seemed she had a lot going on these days.

"Its not too late to talk, is it?" Ali kept even-lipped. She did her best not to be fangirling over her best friend. Liv was still her best friend. Ali hadn't found a way to replace her. Liv asked about Ali's boyfriend Diago, her other best friend.

"It's good." She'd keep it simple. Their attraction hadn't burned out. She wasn't sure what they were doing that was so right, but Ali didn't question it. 

"So what's up?" Liv asked as if she knew something was happening if it wasn't about Ali's boyfriend, then who.

Ali told her about how Prom was almost here and there was graduation by the end of May. She didn't want there to be any problems. Still, she didn't know what to do about Cleo.

"Oh, well..I don't think you remember Cleo."

"Cleo?" Liv winced as if it might be a trick question.

"Leo, that's who you might remember."

"Leo? The guy who liked to steal your lunch," Liv nodded as she stared at Ali.

"He didn't steal lunches." Ali would stand up for Leo/Cleo. "He..I mean she is going by Cleo now."

"Oh." Liv didn't sound interested.

"Cleo is working at Mel's now," Ali told her that it was Rox's first hire.

"Rox?" Liv winced. "She works there? I thought she was at the Coffee Shop?"

"Oh, she left there a while ago. She's not with that guy you remember, but she's with Elvis now," Ali told her. "Cleo is a friend of Elvis'."

"Yeah, that sounds about right," Liv sighed as if she was glad not to be around these people.

"It's just, it's very hard to know what to say around Cleo," Ali confessed.

"Now that's pretty hilarious," Liv smiled.

"Why are you saying that?" Ali winced as if Liv wasn't taking her seriously.

"Now you know, how I felt when you were transitioning. It was a very moody time."

Liv's smile was quick. "Look, I'm sure Cleo might never appreciate you as much as you wished, but I am sure they are glad you are there for them."

Ali sighed. She guessed she needed to hear that. Although, she never remembered being quite as unhappy as Cleo who looked to be living their darkest days.


  1. hola
    a ver que pasa con Cleo, estoy intrigada

  2. Lovely story!!have a nice weekend

  3. Dar uma nostalgia lembrar de pessoas de nosso passado...
    Beijos! Bom fim de semana! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  4. Pobre Ali y Cleo. Espero que tenga mejores días. Te mando un beso.

  5. So interesting chapter, I love it, I want to know more and more about these characters!!!
    Thanks for sharing your amazing post
    Hugs ♥

  6. Another fast moving chapter.
    Thank you Ellie for these chapters that bring us closer to the new generation and that is good.
    Have a nice Sunday

  7. Fast reading chapter. Liked reading the story.


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