Saturday, April 13, 2024

Strong enough to bring sun to the darkest days

 "I'd like to offer the job to you," Roxann had never said those words before as she peered over her glasses into Cleo's serious face. "We would really need you on Friday nights. The whole weekend, actually."

It was her first higher. And the first time she'd managed to wear her glasses for a whole day. Usually, this was Nonnie's job, but she was well into her Internship now at the pharmaceutical place. The brunt of being the night manager was on Rox now. 

"You're only hiring me because of Elvis," Cleo was being moody. Rox had to expect that.

"No, you were the only one who applied." She was even-lipped with a shrug. "I don't expect you to be here forever." She looked down at Cleo's resume. This was their first job. "You need this. You need to know how to work." 

Rox suspected that was why Cleo wasn't completely who she wanted to be. It took money and insurance to get what she needed. Cleo wasn't even on hormone therapy. 

"So you can start, right now."

"God, you're optimistic."

Cleo hugged the bony body they were in. Rox sensed the less she said the better off it would all be.

About then Ali squealed a yeah and brought a personal pan pizza to Cleo. It was a veggie with extra mushrooms.

Rox was glad that Ali had helped with knowing Cleo's background. Cleo lived with an old aunt. Maybe Cleo was more down to earth than they seemed. 

"It's on the house," Ali promised before Cleo chowed down. 

Finally, Rox went back to the kitchen. Cory was there watching the dough stir into a gigantic mound.

"I didn't even mention it to Elvis," she sighed.

"You think he'll be mad," Cory looked at her.

"I don't think so," Rox said Elvis was worried about his friend. "It's just Cleo is kind of bitter, you know."

Cory nodded as if it was nothing new to him. "We'll see how long Cleo can last."

They both nodded. It was true the pay wasn't that great.


  1. Life is full of hard decisions. Sometimes it's hard not to be bitter like Cleo.
    Plus, jobs are rarely well paid these days, at least when you account for the price of living and everything.
    It's a tough world out there and your writing captures it well.
    P.S. There's something mesmerizing about watching the dough stir isn't there?
    Thank you for your sweet feedback, dear.

  2. Ojala la cosa mejore para ellos. Te mando un beso.

  3. Beautiful story with implications and meanings that concern us all. Thank you very much Ellie🌼❤️.

  4. Woooo
    So amazing chapter!!! I want know more about Cleo, she is an interesting character
    Thanks for sharing
    Have an incredible week ♥

  5. That was really good. I love the ending.

  6. I'm glad that Rox gave Cleo a chance. Maybe Cleo will surprise her, especially because she needs the health insurance. 😀🍕😀🍕😀🍕

    By the way, I'm with you on camping. It seems like it's more trouble than it's worth. Of course, I say that about the beach too. 😏


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