Friday, May 31, 2024

I think some things I never say

 "You didn't tell her, did you?" Chewy felt he was frozen in time. He didn't want to go back.

Honestly, he couldn't say it or act on it, but he was glad Hart left. Sure, he played the part. He was who he was supposed to be. Especially, in Sunny's eyes. 

Yeah, he could be aggravating. Maybe even annoying, but it was best to come off that way instead of falling off into something he knew he could never get used too.

"No, I didn't say a thing."

Louie was being his straight-lipped self as Chewy got him a cold brew at the coffee shop while all alone. The perfect time for a conversation, but Louie wouldn't say much.

Chewy didn't understand it himself. Louie would have been better off to take on the role of someone who would have been good boyfriend material for Hart. But then again, Louie stayed to himself. Always had. Yes, maybe Sunny and Louie belonged together. 

"She's..she's afraid we don't know Hart at all," Louie told him that she'd found some magazines and books about guns.

Naturally, Chewy laughed it off. After all, wasn't he the one who knew Hart best? 

"Crazy girl," Chewy shook his head. 

"What if she's right?" Louie acted as if he might look into it. "I don't know French."

Chewy nodded. "You two are just looking for trouble. Can't you just leave it alone?"

Louie said they'd decided to have a sale of Hart's stuff. "Is there anything you might want?"

Chewy winced with a laugh. "Are you kidding me?" Oh, he'd have none of it. After all, it was only a mere physical moment. It was the dead of winter when it happened. Not like he was foolishly in love. Still, he hadn't drunk like that sense. It was the past and not to be spoken of.

Still, he'd never believe Hart was a bad guy. He'd never think of him as a shooter or a bomber in this messed-up world. Sunny was just trying to destroy who Hart had been to her. He never thought she'd be so cold.


  1. Wrong decissions and its consecuences.

  2. This might be a bit complicated for some to understand. But some might get the message about Chewy...or not.


  3. I wish you a good start into the weekend!

  4. May be bad news but easy on the eyes I bet! Isn't that always the way LOL.

    Allie of

    1. LOL! Well, Chewy might not be all that he seems. Not to say he has a dark side, but he might feel more comfortable with the same sex instead of the opposite sex. Although, I think he feels it was just a one off encounter with Hart that happened during the dead of winter. He may say it was a mistake, but deep down, maybe it wasn't him who made the mistake, but Hart.
      I feel Hart has a lot of sides to him. And quite a mystery to Sunny and Louie. While Sunny felt as if she needed to be smitten with Hart and Louie might have wondered once upon a time a big IF with Hart. Yet, Louie..well, hard to say anything about him, I'm still in the thought process with him. I see him as someone who feels to be an alien alienated. After all, his grandmother raised him. He never knew the family who left him.

  5. Uy las cosas se complican pobrecito. Te mando un beso.

  6. Hart saiu de cena e agora querem vender até as coisas dele.
    Hart não era assim tão mau...

    1. Hart has left the scene and now they want to sell even his stuff.
      Hart wasn't that bad...🌈💗🌈💗🌈 You might be right. Sometimes, people fall into a bad crowd. Possibly he was running away from something in Paris. There is still a lot they don't know about Hart. I guess you could say I like complicated characters.


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