Saturday, June 8, 2024

And Baby makes three

 After all that waiting, Mario had decided to let it go. 

Yes, who was the sweetest and would be there with the most, Sammie of course. She let him take a couple of breathers and was there to hold Bren's hand during the endless hours of labor before they decided on a C-section. It seemed the baby was much bigger than expected. 

He'd have his collarbone broken if she birthed him.

Why had he put his sister Caitlin first? Of course, she was as moody as she ever was. Maybe it was not a good idea for a pregnant woman to watch somebody in labor. He told her to go home after four hours. 

"I've got Sammie," he said.

"Everybody loves Sammie," Caitlin snapped. Mario didn't know how to respond to that. She'd overheard Deano talking to Gabe about their wedding.

Sammie proudly wore the silver heart ring as if that was all she really needed. She didn't need anything fancy. 

At least, Mario got around to apologizing to her as if he would do God's will and meant it and hope everything would be OK with Bren and the baby. Sammie gave him a hug as if she was his biggest fan. And then she cried and he cried.

Later, after the almost nine-pounder was born, they named him Alfredo.

"He sounds like something good to eat," Bren's dad said with a smile.

"We'll call  him Freddie." 

Mario decided.

"Well, we'll call him Al." Mario's dad gave him a slap on the back.

"Al?" Mario shook his head no, but he knew it wouldn't stop them.

Then everyone came in with goodies. Everyone from Tristan and his girl to Holden and his wife. It was like a reunion with Tristan and Holden. Mario guessed it was the first he'd ever seen Holden smile. He was such a serious sort. At least he was nice to Bren. 

There was talk of getting together with Tristan's mom and dad who brought Kenny along. He kept quiet with his tablet full of games, no less.


  1. It seems a great day for them 🤩

  2. mario, super mario:-) and his brother luigi

  3. It seems to me that they are getting friendlier.

  4. Alfredo ou Al nasceu grande demais.
    Mas deve ser muito fôfo!
    Beijos! ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ

  5. Me alegro por ellos. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  6. Families are always interesting in these situations. I like that Mario is the good big brother he should be to Sammie. Sometimes, the faults we find in others just don't stand up. And I'm glad they didn't in this case.

  7. Very interesting chapter. I like it and I'm waiting for the next one.

  8. The birth of the baby unites the family.
    Big baby - many waiting hours. Name - ALFREDO - AL - FREDDIE.
    All sounds and looks well. Congratulations!

  9. Everyone together. Congrats to the new mom!

    1. Interesting about Justin and Vada. I probably take Vada's side too but come to think of it your last few posts with them were nuanced in the sense that maybe we were supposed to question that a little... I'm going to pay close attention to future posts w/ them...

  10. Hello, I liked the baby's name, and without a doubt a baby always unites families, greetings


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