Monday, June 24, 2024

And now you know

 "Oh, man," Tristan couldn't help but smile about it while he was on the phone with Liv. "Things are so good with Carmen here."

Of course, after he said it, he knew he'd hurt Liv. He didn't mean to be that way. "I mean, it's just the four of us, and well, it feels ...normal." He nursed his bottom lip. "And how's the new job?" He knew it was the right thing to do. Not to talk about here so much, but about life in Seoul.

"I guess OK," she said there was much to learn. 

"But you're doing OK?"

"Why shouldn't I be?"

Tristan sighed. There was no way to win with his sister. But she was away from him, wasn't that what she'd always wanted. 

"You know, Sammie and Gabe are getting married," He found himself saying.


Another dead end. "It's just we're having the backyard weeding at, you know.... Rico's Dad's." He gritted a wince. Why did he have to bring up Liv's ex? "You know, he's living across the hall from Sammie and Gabe now."

Silence. He knew Liv didn't give a shit about Rico. God, what could he think to say?

"There was a baby gorilla born at the zoo and I got to help," that actually happened months ago, but still it was zoo news. "Dad was there."


"Well, he practically lives there, you know. He actually stays in the house on the grounds," he told her.

"Mom and dad split up?" Liv sounded concerned.

"No." He practically yelped with a squint. Tristan found himself walking in circles. It was a good thing he was the only one home. "He..he sees Mom on the weekends."


  1. Another interesting episode.
    I think Tristan is better at chewing than talking!
    Everything he says bothers his sister.
    He doesn't mean badly, but...
    Have a great week Ellie!

  2. It's always such young subjects here in your blog

  3. Other incredible chapter, I always love read your post!
    Thanks for sharing
    Kisses and hugs ♥

  4. The baby gorilla also needs a story. :)

  5. Pobre Tristán. Te mando un beso.

  6. I don't know what Tristin and Liv are doing but LOVE their style!

    Allie of

    1. I know you only get a chance to write bits. Most bloggers are like that. & then I have a few loyal readers who never leave comments. Needless to say, I know I'm not like other blogs. 1. Tristan and his sister do not have the best of relationships. 2. She has now moved to Seoul. Her last two years of high school she was separated from her parents because she always felt they were on her older brother's side who had hurt her one afternoon at the grocery store where she worked. 3. He ended up having to live in a group home situation and served time building houses, but through lots of counseling and medication he got better. Only he didn't move in with his parents either. And he was the one who helped her move to Seoul. I hope this helps.

  7. hola
    menudo descubrimiento

  8. Bringing the past is challenging, but it is a cycle, nice sharing.

    1. Thanks so much. It's great hearing from you.

  9. Sometimes such relationships between siblings are not easy and are not clear. Thank you for your next interesting entry.

    1. Thank you for reading. I guess I must bore some people..and then there are wonderful readers like you. I greatly appreciate you being here.

  10. Os irmãos tentando se entender.
    Gostei de ler! Beijos! :-)

    1. Thanks! It is hard to communicate when one is in Omaha and the other in Seoul. But maybe it was actually a wake up call for Liv about what's going on at home.

  11. Sibling bond is special....but sibling drama can be hard.


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